Rajashekhar Pendyala

About Rajashekhar Pendyala

Rajashekhar Pendyala, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiti Teknologi Petronas, specializes in the field of Heat Transfer, Renewable Energy, Process Systems Engineering.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Rheological profile of graphene-based nanofluids in thermal oil with hybrid additives of carbon nanotubes and nanofibers

Application in the optimization of Pb (II) adsorption by chitosan from produced water by using response surface methodology

Assessment of thermal conductivity and viscosity of alumina-based engine coolant nanofluids using random forest approach

Experimental investigation of three-phase flow regime transition in a large diameter 90 bend and the resultant pressure drop prediction

Kinetic insight on CO2 hydrate formation and dissociation in quartz sand in presence of brine

Unusual CO2 hydrate formation in porous media: Implications on geo-CO2 storage laboratory testing methods

Produced water treatment with conventional adsorbents and MOF as an alternative: A review

Research Advances, Maturation, and Challenges of Hydrate-Based CO2 Sequestration in Porous Media

Rajashekhar Pendyala Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Rajashekhar Pendyala Skills & Research Interests

Heat Transfer

Renewable Energy

Process Systems Engineering

Top articles of Rajashekhar Pendyala

Rheological profile of graphene-based nanofluids in thermal oil with hybrid additives of carbon nanotubes and nanofibers

Journal of Molecular Liquids


Application in the optimization of Pb (II) adsorption by chitosan from produced water by using response surface methodology

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology


Assessment of thermal conductivity and viscosity of alumina-based engine coolant nanofluids using random forest approach

AIP Conference Proceedings


Suhaib Umer Ilyas
Suhaib Umer Ilyas

H-Index: 13

Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Experimental investigation of three-phase flow regime transition in a large diameter 90 bend and the resultant pressure drop prediction

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Kinetic insight on CO2 hydrate formation and dissociation in quartz sand in presence of brine

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control


Amirun Nissa Rehman
Amirun Nissa Rehman

H-Index: 0

Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Unusual CO2 hydrate formation in porous media: Implications on geo-CO2 storage laboratory testing methods

Materials Today: Proceedings


Produced water treatment with conventional adsorbents and MOF as an alternative: A review


Research Advances, Maturation, and Challenges of Hydrate-Based CO2 Sequestration in Porous Media

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering


Amirun Nissa Rehman
Amirun Nissa Rehman

H-Index: 0

Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Rheological behavior of stabilized diamond-graphene nanoplatelets hybrid nanosuspensions in mineral oil

Journal of Molecular Liquids


Soret, heat generation, radiation and porous effects on MHD free convection flow past an infinite plate with oscillating temperature

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry


Sowmya Tippa
Sowmya Tippa

H-Index: 4

Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Effect of brine on the kinetics of Carbon dioxide hydrate formation and dissociation in porous media

Materials Today: Proceedings


Amirun Nissa Rehman
Amirun Nissa Rehman

H-Index: 0

Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Prospects and roadmaps for harvesting solar thermal power in tropical Brunei Darussalam

International Journal of Global Energy Issues


Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Heat Transfer Performance of Different Fluids During Natural Convection in Enclosures with Varying Aspect Ratios

E3S Web of Conferences


Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Suhaib Umer Ilyas
Suhaib Umer Ilyas

H-Index: 13

Flow pattern identification and measurement techniques in gas-liquid-liquid three-phase flow: A review


Risza Rusli
Risza Rusli

H-Index: 13

Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Experimental study on gas-liquid-liquid three-phase flow patterns and the resultant pressure drop in a horizontal pipe upstream of the 90° bend

Chemical Engineering Science


Risza Rusli
Risza Rusli

H-Index: 13

Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Response surface methodology application in the optimization of Cd (II) removal from produced water by chitosan


Lavania Baloo
Lavania Baloo

H-Index: 8

Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Review on gas–liquid–liquid three–phase flow patterns, pressure drop, and liquid holdup in pipelines

Chemical Engineering Research and Design


Risza Rusli
Risza Rusli

H-Index: 13

Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Rheological characteristics of ultrastable diamond-thermal oil nanofluids

Journal of Molecular Liquids


Suhaib Umer Ilyas
Suhaib Umer Ilyas

H-Index: 13

Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Numerical investigation of unsteady multiphase nanofluid-free convection flow about a vertical cylinder with non-uniform temperature

Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications


Rajashekhar Pendyala
Rajashekhar Pendyala

H-Index: 16

Suhaib Umer Ilyas
Suhaib Umer Ilyas

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Rajashekhar Pendyala University(Universiti Teknologi Petronas)

