Rafeah Saidon

About Rafeah Saidon

Rafeah Saidon, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiti Teknologi MARA, specializes in the field of law, Islamic studies, Islamic law.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Pendokumentasian Amalan Penyusuan Anak Orang Lain Dalam Masyarakat Islam Selangor

An Analysis of the Penalties Imposed on Matrimonial Offenders in the Selangor Shariah Court of Malaysia

Facilitating the division of matrimonial property (Harta Sepencarian) through hibah in Malaysian Shariah Court

Empowering Muallaf (Muslim Reverts): A Case Study on Baitus Salam

Malaysian Halal Certification in Fulfill Hifz Nafs Concept and Entrepreneur's Role

Analisis Pembuktian Prima Facie Berdasarkan Sabitan Qarinah dalam Kesalahan Matrimoni di Mahkamah Syariah Selangor

Approach in Managing Conflict in a Long Distance Marriage

Sole matrimonial property division through joint tenancy from shariah perspective

Rafeah Saidon Information



Lecturer of Islamic Law at



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Rafeah Saidon Skills & Research Interests


Islamic studies

Islamic law

Top articles of Rafeah Saidon

Pendokumentasian Amalan Penyusuan Anak Orang Lain Dalam Masyarakat Islam Selangor


An Analysis of the Penalties Imposed on Matrimonial Offenders in the Selangor Shariah Court of Malaysia

J. Legal Ethical & Regul. Isses


Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

Facilitating the division of matrimonial property (Harta Sepencarian) through hibah in Malaysian Shariah Court

International Journal of Business and Management


Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

Empowering Muallaf (Muslim Reverts): A Case Study on Baitus Salam


Malaysian Halal Certification in Fulfill Hifz Nafs Concept and Entrepreneur's Role


Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

Muhammad Nazir Alias
Muhammad Nazir Alias

H-Index: 5

Analisis Pembuktian Prima Facie Berdasarkan Sabitan Qarinah dalam Kesalahan Matrimoni di Mahkamah Syariah Selangor

Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies


Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

Approach in Managing Conflict in a Long Distance Marriage

Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies


Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

Azhar Abd Aziz
Azhar Abd Aziz

H-Index: 7

Sole matrimonial property division through joint tenancy from shariah perspective

Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies (JCIS)


Azhar Abdul Aziz
Azhar Abdul Aziz

H-Index: 1

Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

PENSIJILAN HALAL MALAYSIA DALAM MEMENUHI PENJAGAAN HIFZ NAFS DAN PERANAN PENGUSAHA: Malaysian Halal Certification in Fulfill Hifz Nafs Concept and Entrepreneur's Role

International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization


Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

Muhammad Nazir Alias
Muhammad Nazir Alias

H-Index: 5

A quantitative study on Muslim milk mother’s understanding of the Islamic concept of wet nursing

Plos one


Women's Rights In Long Distance Marriage According To The Perspective Of Fiqh And Islamic Family Law

Perdana: International Journal of Academic Research


Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

Azhar Abd Aziz
Azhar Abd Aziz

H-Index: 7

Analysis of Physicochemical Transformation (Istiḥ Ä lah) Issues in Halal Industry according to Shari'ah Perspective

Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal


Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

Perkahwinan Jarak Jauh Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Islam Di Malaysia Menurut Perspektif Fiqh Dan Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research


Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

Azhar Abd Aziz
Azhar Abd Aziz

H-Index: 7

Kafaah: Impak Perbezaan Sosial Terhadap Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga: Kafaah: Impact Of Social Differences On Household Welfare

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research


Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

Maqasid approach in measuring quality of life (QoL)

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research


Siti Khadijah Ab Manan
Siti Khadijah Ab Manan

H-Index: 9

Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

Islamic Psycho-Spiritual Support Model for Disaster Victims

Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal


Muslim Women’s Practice on Wet Nursing and Milk Siblinghood: A Descriptive Quantitative Study

Current Developments in Nutrition


A Quantitative Study on Muslim Milk Mother's Understanding Towards the Islamic Concept of Wet Nursing


A Cross-Sectional Study On The Practice Of Wet Nursing Among Muslim Mothers


Kedudukan Lafaz Cerai Ta’liq Lisan Menurut Perspektif Fiqh Dan Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam Di Malaysia

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research (JFatwa)


Rafeah Saidon
Rafeah Saidon

H-Index: 3

See List of Professors in Rafeah Saidon University(Universiti Teknologi MARA)