Quirijn de Jong van Lier

About Quirijn de Jong van Lier

Quirijn de Jong van Lier, With an exceptional h-index of 32 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade de São Paulo, specializes in the field of Soil Physics, Root water uptake, crop transpiration.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Swap 50 Years: Advances in Modelling Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant Interactions

Stochastic analysis of plant available water estimates and soil water balance components simulated by a hydrological model

Vadose Zone Journal Special Section: Soil physics in agricultural production, water resources, and waste management

Sensitivity analysis of a process-based root water uptake model to predict drought stress in soybean and wheat in a tropical winter-dry climate

Sensitivity analysis of root water uptake reduction using the Bartholomeus model in shallow water table scenarios

Sensitivity analysis of land and water productivities predicted with an empirical and a process-based root water uptake function

Bimodal unsaturated hydraulic conductivity derived from water retention parameters by accounting for clay-water interactions: Deriving a plausible set of hydraulic parameters

Hydro-pedotransfer functions: A roadmap for future development

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Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Quirijn de Jong van Lier Skills & Research Interests

Soil Physics

Root water uptake

crop transpiration

Top articles of Quirijn de Jong van Lier

Swap 50 Years: Advances in Modelling Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant Interactions

Available at SSRN 4777340


Martin Mulder
Martin Mulder

H-Index: 42

Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Stochastic analysis of plant available water estimates and soil water balance components simulated by a hydrological model



Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Everton Alves Rodrigues Pinheiro
Everton Alves Rodrigues Pinheiro

H-Index: 9

Vadose Zone Journal Special Section: Soil physics in agricultural production, water resources, and waste management


Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Joshua L Heitman
Joshua L Heitman

H-Index: 23

Johan Van Tol
Johan Van Tol

H-Index: 10

Sensitivity analysis of a process-based root water uptake model to predict drought stress in soybean and wheat in a tropical winter-dry climate


Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Sensitivity analysis of root water uptake reduction using the Bartholomeus model in shallow water table scenarios


Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Sensitivity analysis of land and water productivities predicted with an empirical and a process-based root water uptake function

Journal of Hydrology


Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Markus Pahlow
Markus Pahlow

H-Index: 14

Bimodal unsaturated hydraulic conductivity derived from water retention parameters by accounting for clay-water interactions: Deriving a plausible set of hydraulic parameters

Journal of Hydrology


Improved calculation of soil hydraulic conductivity with the simplified evaporation method

Vadose Zone Journal


Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Digital mapping of the soil available water capacity: tool for the resilience of agricultural systems to climate change

Science of The Total Environment


Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Jorge Tadeu Fim Rosas
Jorge Tadeu Fim Rosas

H-Index: 3

Sustainable irrigation management in tropical lowland rice in Brazil

Agricultural Water Management


Global mapping of volumetric water retention at 100, 330 and 15 000 cm suction using the WoSIS database

International Soil and Water Conservation Research


Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Measuring water retention in undisturbed samples of stony soils

Scientia Agricola


Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Particle arrangement and internal porosity of coarse fragments affect water retention in stony soils

European Journal of Soil Science


Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

StochHyProp: A software to generate stochastic realizations of correlated parameters dedicated to soil hydraulic properties

Software Impacts


Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

FluxPAW: A standalone software to calculate flux-based plant available water

Software Impacts


Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Sensitivity analysis and calibration of an upscaled microscopic root water uptake model by inverse modeling


Plant available water predicted by a flux-based approach



Everton Alves Rodrigues Pinheiro
Everton Alves Rodrigues Pinheiro

H-Index: 9

Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Inverse estimation of hydraulic parameters of soils with rock fragments



Quirijn De Jong Van Lier
Quirijn De Jong Van Lier

H-Index: 19

Requirements to measurements and auxiliary information for improvement and field validity of Pedo Transfer Functions for land surface models.

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


See List of Professors in Quirijn de Jong van Lier University(Universidade de São Paulo)