Prashant Palvia

About Prashant Palvia

Prashant Palvia, With an exceptional h-index of 49 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of North Carolina at Greensboro, specializes in the field of Information Systems, Global IT.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The social media discontinuance model: the trio of dark side, regret, and privacy control

Cyberbullying in the workplace: a novel framework of routine activities and organizational control

Are IT Workers from Mars? An Examination of Their National Culture Dimensions

Safely navigating global virtual teams amid the threat of cyberbullying

Twenty-Five Years of the Journal of Global Information Technology Management: A Bibliometric Analysis

Anatomy of Twitter followership

Social media discontinuance: the salient roles of dark side and regret

The Impact of Twitter Users' Characteristics on Behaviors: Insights Into the Role of Followers

Prashant Palvia Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Prashant Palvia Skills & Research Interests

Information Systems

Global IT

Top articles of Prashant Palvia

The social media discontinuance model: the trio of dark side, regret, and privacy control

Behaviour & Information Technology


Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Nikhil Mehta
Nikhil Mehta

H-Index: 8

Cyberbullying in the workplace: a novel framework of routine activities and organizational control

Internet Research


Are IT Workers from Mars? An Examination of Their National Culture Dimensions

ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems


Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Tim Jacks
Tim Jacks

H-Index: 10

Safely navigating global virtual teams amid the threat of cyberbullying

Organizational Dynamics


Twenty-Five Years of the Journal of Global Information Technology Management: A Bibliometric Analysis

Journal of Global Information Technology Management


Rohit Gupta
Rohit Gupta

H-Index: 4

Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Anatomy of Twitter followership

First Monday


Vishal Uppala
Vishal Uppala

H-Index: 4

Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Social media discontinuance: the salient roles of dark side and regret

Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research


Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Nikhil Mehta
Nikhil Mehta

H-Index: 8

The Impact of Twitter Users' Characteristics on Behaviors: Insights Into the Role of Followers

International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI)


Vishal Uppala
Vishal Uppala

H-Index: 4

Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Effect of IS strategy on environmental sustainability and cybersecurity


Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

How is my IT department leading to Digital Innovation Success?


Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Toward Identifying the Factors Associated with Conversational Agents’ Performance


Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Turnover in Japanese it professionals: antecendants and nuances

Australasian Journal of Information Systems


Hiroshi Sasaki
Hiroshi Sasaki

H-Index: 31

Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

From fun-lovers to institutionalists: Uncovering pluralism in IT occupational culture

Information Technology & People


Theorizing the behavioral effects of control complementarity in security control portfolios

Information Systems Frontiers


Jeffrey D Wall
Jeffrey D Wall

H-Index: 7

Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Understanding employees' information security identities: an interpretive narrative approach

Information Technology & People


Jeffrey D Wall
Jeffrey D Wall

H-Index: 7

Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Global perspectives on IT occupational culture: A three-way cultural analysis

Communications of the Association for Information Systems


Tim Jacks
Tim Jacks

H-Index: 10

Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

How Does Information Technology Governance Impact Organizational Performance: A MetaSEM Study


Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Fatima Mohammed
Fatima Mohammed

H-Index: 1

The Impact of Mobile Payment on Consumer Behavior: A Unified Model


Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Individuality matters: A world view of individual issues of IT professionals

Communications of the Association for Information Systems


Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

Tim Jacks
Tim Jacks

H-Index: 10

IT workplace preferences, job demands, and work exhaustion

Journal of Computer Information Systems


Tim Jacks
Tim Jacks

H-Index: 10

Prashant Palvia
Prashant Palvia

H-Index: 30

See List of Professors in Prashant Palvia University(University of North Carolina at Greensboro)