Philippe Verduyn

About Philippe Verduyn

Philippe Verduyn, With an exceptional h-index of 33 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiteit Maastricht, specializes in the field of emotions dynamics, emotion regulation, social media.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A longitudinal investigation of the association between political engagement and social media use: insights from a cross-platform approach.

Going beyond deep and surface acting: a bottom-up taxonomy of strategies used in response to emotional display rules

Troubles on troubled minds: an intensive longitudinal diary study on the role of burnout in the resilience process following acute stressor exposure

License to look? The role of permissive beliefs, desire thinking, and self-control in predicting the use of social networking sites

Perception and use of social media by Indonesian adolescents and parents: A qualitative study

Facebook use intensity and depressive symptoms: a moderated mediation model of problematic Facebook use, age, neuroticism, and extraversion

The association between neuroticism and problematic social networking sites use: the role of fear of missing out and self-control

Do social networking sites influence well-being? The extended active-passive model

Philippe Verduyn Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Philippe Verduyn Skills & Research Interests

emotions dynamics

emotion regulation

social media

Top articles of Philippe Verduyn

A longitudinal investigation of the association between political engagement and social media use: insights from a cross-platform approach.


Philippe Verduyn
Philippe Verduyn

H-Index: 23

Going beyond deep and surface acting: a bottom-up taxonomy of strategies used in response to emotional display rules

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology


Merve Alabak
Merve Alabak

H-Index: 2

Philippe Verduyn
Philippe Verduyn

H-Index: 23

Troubles on troubled minds: an intensive longitudinal diary study on the role of burnout in the resilience process following acute stressor exposure

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology


License to look? The role of permissive beliefs, desire thinking, and self-control in predicting the use of social networking sites

Addictive Behaviors


Philippe Verduyn
Philippe Verduyn

H-Index: 23

Perception and use of social media by Indonesian adolescents and parents: A qualitative study

Frontiers in Psychology


Facebook use intensity and depressive symptoms: a moderated mediation model of problematic Facebook use, age, neuroticism, and extraversion

BMC psychology


Nino Gugushvili
Nino Gugushvili

H-Index: 3

Philippe Verduyn
Philippe Verduyn

H-Index: 23

The association between neuroticism and problematic social networking sites use: the role of fear of missing out and self-control

Psychological reports


Nino Gugushvili
Nino Gugushvili

H-Index: 3

Philippe Verduyn
Philippe Verduyn

H-Index: 23

Do social networking sites influence well-being? The extended active-passive model

Current Directions in Psychological Science


Inflexibly sustained negative affect and rumination independently link default mode network efficiency to subclinical depressive symptoms

Journal of affective disorders


The impact of social network sites on mental health: distinguishing active from passive use

World Psychiatry


Emotion duration

Affect dynamics


Philippe Verduyn
Philippe Verduyn

H-Index: 23

Social media and well-being: Pitfalls, progress, and next steps


Does distanced self-talk facilitate emotion regulation across a range of emotionally intense experiences?

Clinical Psychological Science


When do smartphones displace face-to-face interactions and what to do about it?

Computers in Human Behavior


Philippe Verduyn
Philippe Verduyn

H-Index: 23

Ethan Kross
Ethan Kross

H-Index: 44

Two dimensions of problematic smartphone use mediate the relationship between fear of missing out and emotional well-being

Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace


Nino Gugushvili
Nino Gugushvili

H-Index: 3

Philippe Verduyn
Philippe Verduyn

H-Index: 23

A temporal perspective on emotions


More than one strategy: A closer examination of the relationship between deep acting and key employee outcomes.

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology


Merve Alabak
Merve Alabak

H-Index: 2

Philippe Verduyn
Philippe Verduyn

H-Index: 23

Capturing the dynamics of emotion and emotion regulation in daily life with ambulatory assessment

European Journal of Psychological Assessment


Philippe Verduyn
Philippe Verduyn

H-Index: 23

Samuel Greiff
Samuel Greiff

H-Index: 33

Introduction to the special issue: Capturing the dynamics of emotion and emotion regulation in daily life with ambulatory assessment.

European Journal of Psychological Assessment


Philippe Verduyn
Philippe Verduyn

H-Index: 23

Samuel Greiff
Samuel Greiff

H-Index: 33

Social comparison on social networking sites


See List of Professors in Philippe Verduyn University(Universiteit Maastricht)

