Peggy Fong

Peggy Fong

University of California, Los Angeles

H-index: 43

North America-United States

About Peggy Fong

Peggy Fong, With an exceptional h-index of 43 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of California, Los Angeles,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Herbivorous sea urchins (Echinometra mathaei) support resilience on overfished and sedimented tropical reefs

Ontogenetic Variation in Blade Toughness May Contribute to the Spread of Turbinaria ornata Across the South Pacific

Suggested searches

Advancing diversity and inclusivity in ocean sciences by re-envisioning overlooked barriers in scientific diving training

Functional trait variability supports the use of mean trait values and identifies resistance trade‐offs for marine macroalgae

Towards a trait‐based framework for marine macroalgae: using categorical data to explore the nature of emergent functional groups

A persistent green macroalgal mat shifts ecological functioning and composition of associated species on an Eastern Tropical Pacific coral reef

Press versus pulse nutrient supply and species interactions mediate growth of coral reef macroalgae

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Top articles of Peggy Fong

Herbivorous sea urchins (Echinometra mathaei) support resilience on overfished and sedimented tropical reefs

Scientific Reports


Ontogenetic Variation in Blade Toughness May Contribute to the Spread of Turbinaria ornata Across the South Pacific

Journal of Phycology


Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Advancing diversity and inclusivity in ocean sciences by re-envisioning overlooked barriers in scientific diving training



Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Functional trait variability supports the use of mean trait values and identifies resistance trade‐offs for marine macroalgae

Journal of Ecology


Towards a trait‐based framework for marine macroalgae: using categorical data to explore the nature of emergent functional groups

Journal of Ecology


A persistent green macroalgal mat shifts ecological functioning and composition of associated species on an Eastern Tropical Pacific coral reef

Marine Environmental Research


Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Press versus pulse nutrient supply and species interactions mediate growth of coral reef macroalgae



Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

An invasive seagrass drives its own success in two invaded seas by both negatively affecting native seagrasses and benefiting from those costs



Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Increased dominance of heat-tolerant symbionts creates resilient coral reefs in near-term ocean warming

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Open space, not reduced herbivory, facilitates invasion of a marine macroalga, implying it is a disturbance-mediated “passenger” of change

Marine Environmental Research


Nutrient subsidies to southern California estuaries can be characterized as pulse-interpulse regimes that may be dampened with extreme eutrophy

Estuaries and Coasts


Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Structural complexity shapes the behavior and abundance of a common herbivorous fish, increasing herbivory on a turf-dominated, fringing reef

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology


Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Storms may disrupt top-down control of algal turf on fringing reefs

Coral Reefs


Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Responses of two common coral reef macroalgae to nutrient addition, sediment addition, and mechanical damage

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology


Rachel Turba
Rachel Turba

H-Index: 2

Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Selective consumption of macroalgal species by herbivorous fishes suggests reduced functional complementarity on a fringing reef in Moorea, French Polynesia

Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology


Daniel T Blumstein
Daniel T Blumstein

H-Index: 57

Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

When form does not predict function: Empirical evidence violates functional form hypotheses for marine macroalgae

Journal of Ecology


Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Herbivory as a limiting factor for seagrass proximity to fringing reefs in Moorea, French Polynesia

Aquatic Botany


Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Testing the conceptual and operational underpinnings of field herbivory assays: Does variation in predictability of resources, assay design, and deployment method affect outcomes?

Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology


Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

Environmental context shapes the long‐term role of nutrients in driving producer community trajectories in a top–down dominated marine ecosystem

Journal of Ecology


Rachel J Clausing
Rachel J Clausing

H-Index: 11

Peggy Fong
Peggy Fong

H-Index: 22

See List of Professors in Peggy Fong University(University of California, Los Angeles)