Paul W Wiseman

Paul W Wiseman

McGill University

H-index: 47

North America-Canada

About Paul W Wiseman

Paul W Wiseman, With an exceptional h-index of 47 and a recent h-index of 29 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at McGill University, specializes in the field of fluorescence fluctuation imaging, super-resolution microscopy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Quantification of collective podosome wave dynamics using spatio-temporal image correlation spectroscopy

Quantitative image mean squared displacement (iMSD) analysis of the dynamics of Aquaporin 2 within the membrane of live cells

The LDL receptor is regulated by membrane cholesterol as revealed by fluorescence fluctuation analysis

Chemo-mechanical diffusion waves explain collective dynamics of immune cell podosomes

A novel approach for quantifying active viscoelastic cellular mechanics using cardiomyocyte contractility

Lipid-driven CFTR clustering is impaired in cystic fibrosis and restored by corrector drugs

Photoactivated localization microscopy combined with image spatial correlation analysis to study of the distribution and diffusion of Angiotensin II type 1 Receptor in the …

Angiotensin II Treatment Induces Reorganization and Changes in the Lateral Dynamics of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor in the Plasma Membrane Elucidated by Photoactivated …

Paul W Wiseman Information



Professor of Chemistry Professor of Physics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Paul W Wiseman Skills & Research Interests

fluorescence fluctuation imaging

super-resolution microscopy

Top articles of Paul W Wiseman

Quantification of collective podosome wave dynamics using spatio-temporal image correlation spectroscopy

Biophysical Journal


Quantitative image mean squared displacement (iMSD) analysis of the dynamics of Aquaporin 2 within the membrane of live cells

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects


Jakob Lavrsen Kure
Jakob Lavrsen Kure

H-Index: 1

Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

The LDL receptor is regulated by membrane cholesterol as revealed by fluorescence fluctuation analysis

Biophysical Journal


Chemo-mechanical diffusion waves explain collective dynamics of immune cell podosomes

Nature Communications


A novel approach for quantifying active viscoelastic cellular mechanics using cardiomyocyte contractility

Biophysical Journal


Gil Bub
Gil Bub

H-Index: 18

Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

Lipid-driven CFTR clustering is impaired in cystic fibrosis and restored by corrector drugs

Journal of Cell Science


Asmahan Abu-Arish
Asmahan Abu-Arish

H-Index: 11

Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

Photoactivated localization microscopy combined with image spatial correlation analysis to study of the distribution and diffusion of Angiotensin II type 1 Receptor in the …

Biophysical Journal


Simon Sehayek
Simon Sehayek

H-Index: 2

Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

Angiotensin II Treatment Induces Reorganization and Changes in the Lateral Dynamics of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor in the Plasma Membrane Elucidated by Photoactivated …

Analytical Chemistry


Simon Sehayek
Simon Sehayek

H-Index: 2

Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

Tau differentially regulates the transport of early endosomes and lysosomes

Molecular biology of the cell


Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

Activity‐dependent alteration of early myelin ensheathment in a developing sensory circuit

Journal of Comparative Neurology


Rapid ensemble measurement of protein diffusion and probe blinking dynamics in cells

Biophysical Reports


Simon Sehayek
Simon Sehayek

H-Index: 2

Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

Nonspecific binding of common anti-CFTR antibodies in ciliated cells of human airway epithelium

Scientific Reports


Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

Characterizing vocal fold injury recovery in a rabbit model with three‐dimensional virtual histology

The Laryngoscope


Rapid Ensemble Measurement of Protein Diffusion, Probe Blinking and Photobleaching Dynamics in the Complex Cellular Space



Simon Sehayek
Simon Sehayek

H-Index: 2

Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

Recent advances in nonlinear microscopy: Deep insights and polarized revelations


Migration-induced cell shattering due to DOCK8 deficiency causes a type 2–biased helper T cell response

Nature immunology


Improved genetically encoded near-infrared fluorescent calcium ion indicators for in vivo imaging

PLoS Biology


Revealing plasma membrane nano-domains with diffusion analysis methods


Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

STED Superresolution Imaging of DUOX1 and CEN2 Reveals Substructure of Membrane Macromolecular Complexes in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells

Biophysical Journal


Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

Mining Molecular Noise via Image Correlation Spectroscopy to Map Molecular Transport and Interactions in Living Cells

Biophysical Journal


Paul W Wiseman
Paul W Wiseman

H-Index: 30

See List of Professors in Paul W Wiseman University(McGill University)