Patrick Van Damme

About Patrick Van Damme

Patrick Van Damme, With an exceptional h-index of 66 and a recent h-index of 42 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiteit Gent, specializes in the field of tropical agriculture, ethnobotany, agroforestry, value chains, Euphorbia tirucalli.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Plant use and perceptions in the context of sexual health among people of Congolese descent in Belgium

Tourists’ Preferences for Traditional Food Products as Indicators of the Market Potential of Underutilised Species in Cambodia

Is small beautiful? Irrigation in the Senegal River delta: a question of size.

Improving Cinnamomum Burmannii Blume Value Chains for Farmer Livelihood in Kerinci, Indonesia

Phytochemical profiling by UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS of Commelina africana, widely used in traditional medicine in DR Congo

Ecofloristic characterization of medicinal flora of Kisantu and Mbanza-Ngungu territories, in Kongo-Central Province, DR Congo

Tracing the Tradition: Regional Differences in the Cultivation, Utilization, and Commercialization of Bitter Kola (Garcinia kola, Clusiaceae) in Cameroon

The traditional use of wild edible plants in pastoral and agro-pastoral communities of Mieso District, eastern Ethiopia

Patrick Van Damme Information



Professor Tropical agriculture and ethnobotany



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Patrick Van Damme Skills & Research Interests

tropical agriculture



value chains

Euphorbia tirucalli

Top articles of Patrick Van Damme

Plant use and perceptions in the context of sexual health among people of Congolese descent in Belgium

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine


Tourists’ Preferences for Traditional Food Products as Indicators of the Market Potential of Underutilised Species in Cambodia



Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Is small beautiful? Irrigation in the Senegal River delta: a question of size.


Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Improving Cinnamomum Burmannii Blume Value Chains for Farmer Livelihood in Kerinci, Indonesia

European Journal of Natural Sciences and Medicine


Phytochemical profiling by UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS of Commelina africana, widely used in traditional medicine in DR Congo

South African Journal Of Botany


Emmy Tuenter
Emmy Tuenter

H-Index: 12

Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Ecofloristic characterization of medicinal flora of Kisantu and Mbanza-Ngungu territories, in Kongo-Central Province, DR Congo


Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Tracing the Tradition: Regional Differences in the Cultivation, Utilization, and Commercialization of Bitter Kola (Garcinia kola, Clusiaceae) in Cameroon

Economic Botany


The traditional use of wild edible plants in pastoral and agro-pastoral communities of Mieso District, eastern Ethiopia

Tropical Medicine and Health


Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Diversity and role of woody non-timber forest products in Doba District, Eastern Ethiopia

Nusantara Bioscience


Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Domestication Potential of Garcinia kola Heckel (Clusiaceae): Searching for Diversity in South Cameroon



Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Bohdan Lojka
Bohdan Lojka

H-Index: 13

Wild animal densities as predictors of cattle disease risks and breed types in southwestern Uganda

Tropical Animal Health and Production


Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Asagirt District, Northeastern Ethiopia

Tropical Medicine and Health


Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Is small beautiful? L'irrigation dans le delta du fleuve Sénégal, une question de taille


Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Is small beautiful? L’irrigation dans le delta du fleuve Sénégal, une question de taille



Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Ethnobotanical knowledge and practices of pastoralist communities on plants used as repellents and/or insecticides against insect vectors in the Korahaye zone of the Somali …


Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Correction: Maňourová et al. Domestication Potential of Garcinia kola Heckel (Clusiaceae): Searching for Diversity in South Cameroon. Plants 2023, 12, 742



Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Bohdan Lojka
Bohdan Lojka

H-Index: 13

Phytochemical Profiling by UPLC‐ESI‐QTOF‐MS of Kalaharia uncinata (Schinz) Moldenke, Widely Used in Traditional Medicine in DR Congo

Chemistry & Biodiversity


Emmy Tuenter
Emmy Tuenter

H-Index: 12

Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Midterm change in rainfall distribution in north and central Benin: implications for agricultural decision making

Environment, Development and Sustainability


Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Identification of socio-economic characteristics and farmers’ practices affecting rice (Oryza spp.) yields in Benin (West Africa)


Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

Clonal differences in nitrogen use efficiency and macro-nutrient uptake in young clonal cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings from Indonesia

Journal of Plant Nutrition


Patrick Van Damme
Patrick Van Damme

H-Index: 42

See List of Professors in Patrick Van Damme University(Universiteit Gent)