Pari-Gole Noorishad

Pari-Gole Noorishad

Ottawa University

H-index: 15

North America-United States

About Pari-Gole Noorishad

Pari-Gole Noorishad, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ottawa University,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms and Associated Psychosocial risk Factors among University Students: The Moderating and Mediating Effects of Resilience

Racism as a vehicle for the overrepresentation of Black youth in child protection services in Ontario, Canada: Caseworkers’ and community facilitators’ perspectives

Reasons for admission to service and overrepresentation of Black youth in the child welfare system in Ontario, Canada: does race matter?

Prevalence and risk factors associated with psychostimulant use among Black individuals: A meta-analysis and systematic review

Prevalence and factors related to COVID‐19 vaccine hesitancy and unwillingness in Canada: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

Investigating the relationship between sexting and sexual coercion

A systematic review on vaccine hesitancy in Black communities in Canada: Critical issues and research failures

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Related Factors in Canada: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Pari-Gole Noorishad Information






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Top articles of Pari-Gole Noorishad

Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms and Associated Psychosocial risk Factors among University Students: The Moderating and Mediating Effects of Resilience

Authorea Preprints


Racism as a vehicle for the overrepresentation of Black youth in child protection services in Ontario, Canada: Caseworkers’ and community facilitators’ perspectives

Children and Youth Services Review


Reasons for admission to service and overrepresentation of Black youth in the child welfare system in Ontario, Canada: does race matter?

Child Abuse & Neglect


Jude Mary Cénat
Jude Mary Cénat

H-Index: 17

Pari-Gole Noorishad
Pari-Gole Noorishad

H-Index: 5

Prevalence and risk factors associated with psychostimulant use among Black individuals: A meta-analysis and systematic review


Prevalence and factors related to COVID‐19 vaccine hesitancy and unwillingness in Canada: A systematic review and meta‐analysis


Investigating the relationship between sexting and sexual coercion



A systematic review on vaccine hesitancy in Black communities in Canada: Critical issues and research failures


Pari-Gole Noorishad
Pari-Gole Noorishad

H-Index: 5

Vivek Venkatesh
Vivek Venkatesh

H-Index: 13

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Related Factors in Canada: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.


Prevalence and correlates of anxiety symptoms among Black people in Canada: A significant role for everyday racial discrimination and racial microaggressions

Journal of Affective Disorders


Pari-Gole Noorishad
Pari-Gole Noorishad

H-Index: 5

Jude Mary Cénat
Jude Mary Cénat

H-Index: 17

How customers evaluate genitalia versus torso sex toys on Amazon. com: A content analysis of product reviews

European journal of investigation in health, psychology and education


Nicola Döring
Nicola Döring

H-Index: 28

Pari-Gole Noorishad
Pari-Gole Noorishad

H-Index: 5

War in Ukraine and racism: The physical and mental health of refugees of color matters

International journal of public health


Prevalence of ADHD among black youth compared to white, latino and Asian youth: a meta-analysis


Exploration de la relation entre le sextage et la coercition sexuelle



Prevalence and risk factors of depression symptoms among rural and urban populations affected by Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a representative …

BMJ open


Ebola virus disease, stigmatization, peritraumatic distress, and posttraumatic stress disorder in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a moderated mediation model

Journal of affective disorders


The seven reasons why Black children are overrepresented in the child welfare system in Ontario (Canada): A qualitative study from the perspectives of caseworkers and community …

Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal


Prevalence and correlates of depression among Black individuals in Canada: The major role of everyday racial discrimination

Depression and anxiety


Adhésion aux mythes du viol et perpétration de coercition sexuelle chez les étudiants et étudiantes universitaires: Une revue systématique de la littérature.


Dominique Trottier
Dominique Trottier

H-Index: 9

Pari-Gole Noorishad
Pari-Gole Noorishad

H-Index: 5

Unsolicited pics and sexual scripts: Gender and relationship context of compliant and non-consensual technology-mediated sexual interactions

Frontiers in Psychology


Prevalence and correlates of depression during the COVID-19 pandemic and the major role of stigmatization in low-and middle-income countries: a multinational cross-sectional study

Psychiatry research


See List of Professors in Pari-Gole Noorishad University(Ottawa University)