Paolo Riccardo Brustio

About Paolo Riccardo Brustio

Paolo Riccardo Brustio, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Università degli Studi di Torino, specializes in the field of Sport Science.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Early Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) level as a predictor of post-surgical hypoparathyroidism.

Effects of online and face-to-face exercise training compared in healthy older adults: a feasibility study

Decreased neural drive affects the early rate of force development after repeated burst‐like isometric contractions

Correlating technical and tactical, and kinematic elements: An in-depth analysis of game-related metrics and running activities in sub-elite senior male rugby union players

Birth Advantages in Male Italian Soccer: How They Influence Players Youth Career and Their Future Career Status

Disentangling Gender and Relative Age Effects in Women’s and Girls’ Rugby Union

A longitudinal study on the relationship between aerobic endurance and lower body 1 strength in Italian sedentary Older Adults 2

Junior to senior transition pathway in Italian Football: the rocky road to the top is not determined by youth national team’s selections

Paolo Riccardo Brustio Information



NeuroMuscularFunction | Research Group Department of Medical Sciences Italy



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Paolo Riccardo Brustio Skills & Research Interests

Sport Science

Top articles of Paolo Riccardo Brustio

Early Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) level as a predictor of post-surgical hypoparathyroidism.

Acta Chirurgica Belgica


Paolo Ossola
Paolo Ossola

H-Index: 3

Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Effects of online and face-to-face exercise training compared in healthy older adults: a feasibility study

Sport Sciences for Health


Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Federico Schena
Federico Schena

H-Index: 37

Decreased neural drive affects the early rate of force development after repeated burst‐like isometric contractions

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports


Correlating technical and tactical, and kinematic elements: An in-depth analysis of game-related metrics and running activities in sub-elite senior male rugby union players

International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching


Alexandru Nicolae Ungureanu
Alexandru Nicolae Ungureanu

H-Index: 5

Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Birth Advantages in Male Italian Soccer: How They Influence Players Youth Career and Their Future Career Status



Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Disentangling Gender and Relative Age Effects in Women’s and Girls’ Rugby Union

Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology


A longitudinal study on the relationship between aerobic endurance and lower body 1 strength in Italian sedentary Older Adults 2


Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Junior to senior transition pathway in Italian Football: the rocky road to the top is not determined by youth national team’s selections

PLoS One


Gennaro Boccia
Gennaro Boccia

H-Index: 14

Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Youth-to-senior transition in women’s and girls’ football: Towards a better understanding of relative age effects and gender-specific considerations

PLoS One


Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Roberto Modena
Roberto Modena

H-Index: 5

Gennaro Boccia
Gennaro Boccia

H-Index: 14

Relative age effect reversal on the junior-to-senior transition in world-class athletics

Journal of Sports Sciences


Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Gennaro Boccia
Gennaro Boccia

H-Index: 14

Two Is Better than One: Successful World-Class Sprinters Compete in Two Disciplines

Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology


Commentary: Comment and reflection about Mental health outcomes of the Daily Mile in elementary school children: a single‐arm pilot study. The implementation of the Daily Mile …

Child and Adolescent Mental Health


Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Sports in 2022


Impact of active lifestyle on the primary school children saliva microbiota composition

Frontiers in Nutrition


The Most active child is not always the fittest: physical activity and fitness are weakly correlated



The influence of contextual factors on the relative age effect in male international rugby union: the impact of sociocultural influences and playing position



Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Alexandru Nicolae Ungureanu
Alexandru Nicolae Ungureanu

H-Index: 5

Optimal bipolar system positioning to provide information about the trapezius activity associated with scapular retraction during shoulder exercises for resistance training

Physiological measurement


Indoor mobility, frailty, and disability in community-dwelling older adults: a mediation model

International journal of environmental research and public health


Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Alberto Rainoldi
Alberto Rainoldi

H-Index: 27

Physical activities at distance: Feasibility and acceptability of online remote exercise intervention in older adults

Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism


Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Paolo Riccardo Brustio

H-Index: 12

Federico Schena
Federico Schena

H-Index: 37

Corrective Adjustment Procedures as a strategy to remove Relative Age Effects: Validation across male and female age-group long jumping

Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport


See List of Professors in Paolo Riccardo Brustio University(Università degli Studi di Torino)

