Panagiota Angeli

About Panagiota Angeli

Panagiota Angeli, With an exceptional h-index of 44 and a recent h-index of 32 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University College London,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Continuous plug flow extraction of L-tryptophan using ionic liquid-based aqueous biphasic systems in small channels

Ultrasonic irrigation flows in root canals: effects of ultrasound power and file insertion depth

Mechanistic modelling of separating dispersions in pipes using model-based design of experiments techniques

Studies of interfacial wave properties during displacement with pure viscoelastic fluids in microchannels

Synergistic effects between a non-ionic and an anionic surfactant on the micellization process and the adsorption at liquid/air surfaces

Application of ultrasound techniques to liquid-liquid dispersed flows

A review of acoustofluidic separation of bioparticles

Effect of polydispersity and bubble interactions on the linear viscoelastic behaviour of semidilute bubble suspensions in Newtonian media

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Top articles of Panagiota Angeli

Continuous plug flow extraction of L-tryptophan using ionic liquid-based aqueous biphasic systems in small channels

Separation and Purification Technology


Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

Ultrasonic irrigation flows in root canals: effects of ultrasound power and file insertion depth

Scientific Reports


Mechanistic modelling of separating dispersions in pipes using model-based design of experiments techniques

Chemical Engineering Science


Federico Galvanin
Federico Galvanin

H-Index: 13

Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

Studies of interfacial wave properties during displacement with pure viscoelastic fluids in microchannels

Physics of Fluids


Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

Synergistic effects between a non-ionic and an anionic surfactant on the micellization process and the adsorption at liquid/air surfaces

Soft Matter


Application of ultrasound techniques to liquid-liquid dispersed flows

International Journal of Multiphase Flow


Fria Hossein
Fria Hossein

H-Index: 5

Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

A review of acoustofluidic separation of bioparticles


Fria Hossein
Fria Hossein

H-Index: 5

Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

Effect of polydispersity and bubble interactions on the linear viscoelastic behaviour of semidilute bubble suspensions in Newtonian media

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Effect of the colloid softness and concentration on droplet breakup and formation in microchannels

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Simona Migliozzi
Simona Migliozzi

H-Index: 2

Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

Mechanistic model and experiments of dispersed liquid-liquid pipe flows.

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Fria Hossein
Fria Hossein

H-Index: 5

Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

The development of ultrasound techniques for the characterisation of dispersed liquid-liquid flows in small and large channels

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Fria Hossein
Fria Hossein

H-Index: 5

Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

Acoustic streaming during root canal irrigation

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

Blooming of Emulsion Droplet During Evaporation

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Analyzing the Accuracy of Critical Micelle Concentration Predictions Using Deep Learning

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Pinching dynamics and multiple droplet generation in partial coalescence

Physical Review Letters


Teng Dong
Teng Dong

H-Index: 4

Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

Effect of polydispersity and bubble clustering on the steady shear viscosity of semidilute bubble suspensions in Newtonian media

Journal of Rheology


Intensified biodiesel production from waste cooking oil and flow pattern evolution in small-scale reactors

Frontiers in chemical engineering


Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

Intensified Nd extraction in small channels for NdFeB magnet recycling

Separation and Purification Technology


Panagiota Angeli
Panagiota Angeli

H-Index: 31

Effect of surfactants during drop formation in a microfluidic channel: A combined experimental and computational fluid dynamics approach

Journal of Fluid Mechanics


Computational fluid dynamics simulations of phase separation in dispersed oil-water pipe flows

Chemical Engineering Science


See List of Professors in Panagiota Angeli University(University College London)