Pablo Santos-Iglesias

About Pablo Santos-Iglesias

Pablo Santos-Iglesias, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Cape Breton University, specializes in the field of Human sexuality, Applied psychometrics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The Relationship between Parenting Styles and Sexual Well-Being in Canadian Emerging Adults

Sexual Activity of Older Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Sexual satisfaction in prostate cancer: a multi-group comparison study of treated patients, patients under active surveillance, patients with negative biopsy, and controls

Implementation of individually tailored treatment plans in a group-based intervention for women with mixed vulvo-vaginal and sexual health concerns following cancer treatment …

Sexual satisfaction of older adults: Testing the Interpersonal Exchange Model of Sexual Satisfaction in the ageing population

The sexual lives of women living with fibromyalgia: A qualitative study

The portuguese version of the sexual distress scale: psychometric properties in male and female samples

Test and measurement in sexology research: A critical approach

Pablo Santos-Iglesias Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Pablo Santos-Iglesias Skills & Research Interests

Human sexuality

Applied psychometrics

Top articles of Pablo Santos-Iglesias

The Relationship between Parenting Styles and Sexual Well-Being in Canadian Emerging Adults

Sexuality Research and Social Policy


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Sexual Activity of Older Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature


Joshua Cameron
Joshua Cameron

H-Index: 9

Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Sexual satisfaction in prostate cancer: a multi-group comparison study of treated patients, patients under active surveillance, patients with negative biopsy, and controls

Journal of Cancer Survivorship


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Implementation of individually tailored treatment plans in a group-based intervention for women with mixed vulvo-vaginal and sexual health concerns following cancer treatment …

European Journal of Oncology Nursing


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Sexual satisfaction of older adults: Testing the Interpersonal Exchange Model of Sexual Satisfaction in the ageing population

Ageing & Society


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

The sexual lives of women living with fibromyalgia: A qualitative study

Sexuality and Disability


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

The portuguese version of the sexual distress scale: psychometric properties in male and female samples

The Journal of Sexual Medicine


Inês M Tavares
Inês M Tavares

H-Index: 4

Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Test and measurement in sexology research: A critical approach

The journal of sexual medicine


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Psychometric validation of the sexual distress scale in male and female Portuguese samples

The journal of sexual medicine


Inês M Tavares
Inês M Tavares

H-Index: 4

Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Enyesado para revertir problemas de sodicidad por riego: efecto de fuente y dosis


Hard times: prostate cancer patients’ experiences with erectile aids

The journal of sexual medicine


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Development and initial validation of the Dating Violence Evaluation Questionnaire (DVEQ).

Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Impact of vulvovaginal symptoms in women diagnosed with cancer: a psychometric evaluation of the day-to-day impact of vaginal aging questionnaire

Journal of Women's Health


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Development and initial validation of the verbal and nonverbal sexual communication questionnaire in Canada and Spain

Sexual and Relationship Therapy


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Effects of a light therapy intervention on diurnal salivary cortisol in fatigued cancer survivors: A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial

Journal of psychosomatic research


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Preliminary validation of the sexual distress scale-short form: applications to women, men, and prostate cancer survivors

Journal of sex & marital therapy


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

Sophie Bergeron
Sophie Bergeron

H-Index: 39

On the relationship between erectile function and sexual distress in men with prostate cancer

Archives of Sexual Behavior


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

A systematic review of sexual satisfaction in prostate cancer patients


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

An educational program to help patients manage androgen deprivation therapy side effects: feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary outcomes

American Journal of Men's Health


Pablo Santos-Iglesias
Pablo Santos-Iglesias

H-Index: 19

See List of Professors in Pablo Santos-Iglesias University(Cape Breton University)

