Oriol Ferrer

About Oriol Ferrer

Oriol Ferrer, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad de Barcelona, specializes in the field of Analogue modeling, salt tectonics, structural geology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Salt-related gravity-driven processes in the levant basin, eastern mediterranean: insights from physical modeling

Sand, salt, and models: the legacy of Bruno Vendeville

New insight into salt-related structure in the Onshore Zagros foreland basin, a prospect into the deep gas reservoirs

The influence of the geometry of salt detachments on thrust salient development: An analogue modelling approach based on the South-Central Pyrenean thrust salient

Internal structure and salt flow in the Les Avellanes allochthonous salt sheet: insights from field observations and analogue modelling comparison

Role of inheritance during tectonic inversion of a rift system in basement-involved to salt-decoupled transition: analogue modelling and application to the Pyrenean–Biscay system

Inversion of transfer zones in salt-bearing extensional systems: insights from analogue modeling

Learning by Communicating in Earth Sciences: Audiovisual notes in the field and audiovisual presentations

Oriol Ferrer Information



Lecturer Earth & Ocean Dynamics Department



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Oriol Ferrer Skills & Research Interests

Analogue modeling

salt tectonics

structural geology

Top articles of Oriol Ferrer

Salt-related gravity-driven processes in the levant basin, eastern mediterranean: insights from physical modeling

Journal of Structural Geology


Sand, salt, and models: the legacy of Bruno Vendeville

Journal of Structural Geology


New insight into salt-related structure in the Onshore Zagros foreland basin, a prospect into the deep gas reservoirs


Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

The influence of the geometry of salt detachments on thrust salient development: An analogue modelling approach based on the South-Central Pyrenean thrust salient

Journal of Structural Geology


Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

Internal structure and salt flow in the Les Avellanes allochthonous salt sheet: insights from field observations and analogue modelling comparison

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

Anna Travé
Anna Travé

H-Index: 17

Role of inheritance during tectonic inversion of a rift system in basement-involved to salt-decoupled transition: analogue modelling and application to the Pyrenean–Biscay system

Solid Earth


Inversion of transfer zones in salt-bearing extensional systems: insights from analogue modeling



Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

Josep Anton Muñoz
Josep Anton Muñoz

H-Index: 34

Learning by Communicating in Earth Sciences: Audiovisual notes in the field and audiovisual presentations


Learning through emotion: learning by communicating in Earth sciences


Allochthonous salt advance recorded by the adjacent syn-kinematic sedimentation: example from the Les Avellanes diapir (South Central Pyrenees)

Global and Planetary Change


Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

Anna Travé
Anna Travé

H-Index: 17

Fluid-rock interaction control on fault reactivation: A review of the Montmell-Vallès Fault System, central Catalan Coastal Ranges (NE Iberia)


Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

Anna Travé
Anna Travé

H-Index: 17

Analogue modeling of domino-style extensional basement fault systems with prekinematic salt

AAPG Bulletin


Salt sheet extrusion and emplacement within the South-Central Pyrenean fold-and-thrust belt: the Les Avellanes Diapir case-of-study

Journal of Maps


Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

Anna Travé
Anna Travé

H-Index: 17

The kinematics of a salt sheet recorded in an array of distorted intrasalt stringers (Les Avellanes Diapir–South-Central Pyrenees)

Journal of Structural Geology


Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

Anna Travé
Anna Travé

H-Index: 17

Inversion of accommodation zones in salt-bearing extensional systems: insights from analog modeling

Solid Earth


Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

Josep Anton Muñoz
Josep Anton Muñoz

H-Index: 34

Structural control of inherited salt structures during inversion of a domino basement-fault system from an analogue modelling approach

Solid Earth


Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

Introduction of 3D digital outcrops in the teaching of Earth Science studies at the University of Barcelona: The Sallent case study (Ebro Basin)

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


From salt-detached gravity-driven extension of a rifted margin to its inversion: The Cotiella Massif case study (Southern Pyrenees)

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

Josep Anton Muñoz
Josep Anton Muñoz

H-Index: 34

Salt-influenced fold-and-thrust belts: insights from experimental analog models

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Josep Anton Muñoz
Josep Anton Muñoz

H-Index: 34

Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

Structural analysis and tectonic evolution of the El Bolon and Bateig secondary minibasins in the Eastern External Betics (Betic fold-and-thrust belt—Iberian Peninsula)

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Oriol Ferrer University(Universidad de Barcelona)

