Ojonugwa Usman

About Ojonugwa Usman

Ojonugwa Usman, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Dogu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, specializes in the field of International Economics and Finance, Monetary Economics, Energy Economics, Environmental Economics, Applied Econometrics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Effect of exchange rate uncertainty, energy prices and sectoral spending on agriculture value added, household consumption, and domestic investment

Assessing the impact of resource efficiency, renewable energy R&D spending, and green technologies on environmental sustainability in Germany: Evidence from a Wavelet Quantile …

Foreign direct investment and ecological efficiency in Pakistan: a new perspective on the pollution haven hypothesis

Global evidence of multi-dimensional asymmetric effect of energy storage innovations on environmental quality: Delineating the role of natural resources, nuclear energy and oil …

Role of household energy efficiency in shaping policy directives toward clean electricity transition in the United States: A nonparametric multivariate QQR approach

Dampening energy security-related uncertainties in the United States: The role of green energy-technology investment and operation of transnational corporations

Modelling asymmetries among consumer price index, currency price, gross domestic output and aggregate import demand in an emerging economy: the case of Nigeria

Energy security-related risks and the quest to attain USA’s net-zero emissions targets by 2050: a dynamic ARDL simulations modeling approach

Ojonugwa Usman Information



Department of Economics Famagusta North Cyprus via Mersin 10



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ojonugwa Usman Skills & Research Interests

International Economics and Finance

Monetary Economics

Energy Economics

Environmental Economics

Applied Econometrics

Top articles of Ojonugwa Usman

Effect of exchange rate uncertainty, energy prices and sectoral spending on agriculture value added, household consumption, and domestic investment



Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Andrew Adewale Alola
Andrew Adewale Alola

H-Index: 18

Assessing the impact of resource efficiency, renewable energy R&D spending, and green technologies on environmental sustainability in Germany: Evidence from a Wavelet Quantile …

Journal of Cleaner Production


Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Foreign direct investment and ecological efficiency in Pakistan: a new perspective on the pollution haven hypothesis

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology


Godwin Olasehinde-Williams
Godwin Olasehinde-Williams

H-Index: 9

Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Global evidence of multi-dimensional asymmetric effect of energy storage innovations on environmental quality: Delineating the role of natural resources, nuclear energy and oil …

Journal of Cleaner Production


Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Role of household energy efficiency in shaping policy directives toward clean electricity transition in the United States: A nonparametric multivariate QQR approach

Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments


Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Dampening energy security-related uncertainties in the United States: The role of green energy-technology investment and operation of transnational corporations



Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Andrew Adewale Alola
Andrew Adewale Alola

H-Index: 18

Modelling asymmetries among consumer price index, currency price, gross domestic output and aggregate import demand in an emerging economy: the case of Nigeria

SN Business & Economics


Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Energy security-related risks and the quest to attain USA’s net-zero emissions targets by 2050: a dynamic ARDL simulations modeling approach

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Andrew Adewale Alola
Andrew Adewale Alola

H-Index: 18

On the connectedness of commodity markets: A critical and selective survey of empirical studies and bibliometric analysis


Mehmet Balcilar
Mehmet Balcilar

H-Index: 35

Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Socioeconomic shocks, social protection and household food security amidst COVID-19 pandemic in Africa’s largest economy

Plos one


Analysing the nexus between clean energy expansion, natural resource extraction, and load capacity factor in China: a step towards achieving COP27 targets

Environment, Development and Sustainability


Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Ibrahim Adeshola
Ibrahim Adeshola

H-Index: 5

Material productivity and material intensity as drivers of environmental sustainability in G-7 economies

International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology


Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Andrew Adewale Alola
Andrew Adewale Alola

H-Index: 18

Tourism development and US energy security risks: a KRLS machine learning approach


Mehmet Balcilar
Mehmet Balcilar

H-Index: 35

Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Modelling the air pollution induced health effects of energy consumption across varied spaces in OECD countries: An asymmetric analysis

Journal of Environmental Management


Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

House price connectedness and consumer sentiment in an era of destabilizing macroeconomic conditions: Empirical evidence from Türkiye

Borsa Istanbul Review


Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Büşra Ağan
Büşra Ağan

H-Index: 2

Examining crude oil price outlook amidst substitute energy price and household energy expenditure in the USA: a novel nonparametric multivariate QQR approach

Energy Economics


Andrew Adewale Alola
Andrew Adewale Alola

H-Index: 18

Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Asymmetric effect of environmental cost of forest rents in the Guinean forest-savanna mosaic: The Nigerian experience

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Andrew Adewale Alola
Andrew Adewale Alola

H-Index: 18

Investing green for sustainable development without ditching economic growth

Sustainable Development


Mehmet Balcilar
Mehmet Balcilar

H-Index: 35

Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Role of non-renewable energy efficiency and renewable energy in driving environmental sustainability in India: evidence from the load capacity factor hypothesis



Andrew Adewale Alola
Andrew Adewale Alola

H-Index: 18

Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

Operational behaviours of multinational corporations, renewable energy transition, and environmental sustainability in Africa: Does the level of natural resource rents matter?

Resources Policy


Mehmet Balcilar
Mehmet Balcilar

H-Index: 35

Ojonugwa Usman
Ojonugwa Usman

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Ojonugwa Usman University(Dogu Akdeniz Üniversitesi)

