Nzar Rauf Abdullah

About Nzar Rauf Abdullah

Nzar Rauf Abdullah, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Sulaimani, specializes in the field of Quantum transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, Atomistic Simulations, DFT.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Novel ZnO nanosheet with buckling stress: First principles study of electronic, structural stability, phonon vibrations, lattice thermal and optical conductivity

Magneto-optical properties of a quantum dot array interacting with a far-infrared photon mode of a cylindrical cavity

Plunger gate effects on magneto transport in double-top gate spin-orbit devices

Optical conductivity enhancement and thermal reduction of BN-codoped MgO nanosheet: Significant effects of BN atomic interaction

Controlling the excitation spectrum of a quantum dot array with a photon cavity

Controlling electronic, magnetic, thermal, and optical properties of boron-nitrogen codoped strontium oxide monolayer: Activation of optical transitions in the VL region

Exploring electronic, optical, and phononic properties of MgX (X= C, N, and O) monolayers using first principle calculations

Magnetic Properties of A Cavity‐Embedded Square Lattice of Quantum Dots or Antidots

Nzar Rauf Abdullah Information



and University of Iceland



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Nzar Rauf Abdullah Skills & Research Interests

Quantum transport

Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Atomistic Simulations


Top articles of Nzar Rauf Abdullah

Novel ZnO nanosheet with buckling stress: First principles study of electronic, structural stability, phonon vibrations, lattice thermal and optical conductivity

Chemical Physics Letters


Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Magneto-optical properties of a quantum dot array interacting with a far-infrared photon mode of a cylindrical cavity

arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.10027


Plunger gate effects on magneto transport in double-top gate spin-orbit devices

Physica B: Condensed Matter


Optical conductivity enhancement and thermal reduction of BN-codoped MgO nanosheet: Significant effects of BN atomic interaction

Solid State Communications


Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Chi-Shung Tang
Chi-Shung Tang

H-Index: 14

Controlling the excitation spectrum of a quantum dot array with a photon cavity

Physical Review B


Controlling electronic, magnetic, thermal, and optical properties of boron-nitrogen codoped strontium oxide monolayer: Activation of optical transitions in the VL region

arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.09173


Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Exploring electronic, optical, and phononic properties of MgX (X= C, N, and O) monolayers using first principle calculations

arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.11041


Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Magnetic Properties of A Cavity‐Embedded Square Lattice of Quantum Dots or Antidots

Annalen der Physik


Vram Mughnetsyan
Vram Mughnetsyan

H-Index: 6

Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Ballistic spin transport in DC-bias single top gate p-type narrow channel device with Zeeman–Rashba effects

Physica B: Condensed Matter


Planar buckling controlled optical conductivity of SiC monolayer from Deep-UV to visible light region: A first-principles study

Materials Chemistry and Physics


Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Chi-Shung Tang
Chi-Shung Tang

H-Index: 14

Single photon controlled steady state electron transport through a resonance DQD-Cavity system in a strong coupling regime

Solid State Communications


Halo Anwar Abdulkhalaq
Halo Anwar Abdulkhalaq

H-Index: 0

Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Interaction effects in a two-dimensional AlSi6P nanosheet: A first-principles study on the electronic, mechanical, thermal, and optical properties

Physica B: Condensed Matter


Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

A first-principles study on electronic structure, optical and thermal properties of BeX (X= C, N and O) monolayers

Solid State Communications


Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Enhanced ultraviolet absorption in BN monolayers caused by tunable buckling

Materials Science and Engineering: B


Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Chi-Shung Tang
Chi-Shung Tang

H-Index: 14

Buckling effects in AlN monolayers: Shifting and enhancing optical characteristics from the UV to the near visible light range

Chemical Physics Letters


Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Role of planar buckling on the electronic, thermal, and optical properties of Germagraphene nanosheets

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing


Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Spin quantum transport in double top-gate system

Chinese Journal of Physics


Study of the buckling effects on the electrical and optical properties of the group III-Nitride monolayers

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing


Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Chi-Shung Tang
Chi-Shung Tang

H-Index: 14

Photon and magnetic field controlled electron transport of a multiply-resonant photon-cavity double quantum dot system

Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures


Halo Anwar Abdulkhalaq
Halo Anwar Abdulkhalaq

H-Index: 0

Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Nzar Rauf Abdullah

H-Index: 13

Effects of a far-infrared photon cavity field on the magnetization of a square quantum dot array

Physical Review B


See List of Professors in Nzar Rauf Abdullah University(University of Sulaimani)

