Nuri Kim

About Nuri Kim

Nuri Kim, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Nanyang Technological University, specializes in the field of intergroup contact, narrative persuasion, deliberation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Who is using ChatGPT and why? Extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model

Examining the role of moral foundations in promoting intergroup contact willingness

What to Do with a Double-edged Sword? Examining Public Views on Regulating ChatGPT through Third-Person Effect

The moral license of a click: How social observability and impression management tendencies moderate the effects of online clicktivism on donation behavior

Fake news, real risks: How online discussion and sources of fact‐check influence public risk perceptions toward nuclear energy

Meeting of minds: Narratives as a tool to reduce prejudice toward stigmatized group members

Nameless, voiceless, and helpless: Visual framing of distant outgroups in online humanitarian appeals

The role of contact richness in mediated intergroup contact: A test of the contact space framework

Nuri Kim Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Nuri Kim Skills & Research Interests

intergroup contact

narrative persuasion


Top articles of Nuri Kim

Who is using ChatGPT and why? Extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model

Information Research an international electronic journal


Examining the role of moral foundations in promoting intergroup contact willingness

International Journal of Psychology


Jingwei Zheng
Jingwei Zheng

H-Index: 1

Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

What to Do with a Double-edged Sword? Examining Public Views on Regulating ChatGPT through Third-Person Effect

Examining Public Views on Regulating ChatGPT through Third-Person Effect (August 1, 2023)


The moral license of a click: How social observability and impression management tendencies moderate the effects of online clicktivism on donation behavior

New Media & Society


Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

Hye Kyung Kim
Hye Kyung Kim

H-Index: 3

Fake news, real risks: How online discussion and sources of fact‐check influence public risk perceptions toward nuclear energy

Risk analysis


Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

Meeting of minds: Narratives as a tool to reduce prejudice toward stigmatized group members

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations


Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

Nameless, voiceless, and helpless: Visual framing of distant outgroups in online humanitarian appeals

Journal of Intercultural Studies


Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

The role of contact richness in mediated intergroup contact: A test of the contact space framework

Mass Communication and Society


Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

All news is not the same: divergent effects of news platforms on civic and political participation

International Journal of Communication


Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

Andrew Duffy
Andrew Duffy

H-Index: 10

Telling lies together? Sharing news as a form of social authentication

New Media & Society


Andrew Duffy
Andrew Duffy

H-Index: 10

Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

When I learn the news is false: How fact-checking information stems the spread of fake news via third-person perception

Human Communication Research


Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

Care, competency, or honesty? Framing emergency preparedness messages and risks for nuclear energy in Singapore

Energy Research & Social Science


Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

To share is to receive: News as social currency for social media reciprocity

Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies


How to enhance the effects of mediated intergroup contact? Evidence from four countries

Mass Communication and Society


Mobile News: Journalism’s Shift from Fixed to Fluid


Andrew Duffy
Andrew Duffy

H-Index: 10

Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

News: Mobiles, mobilities and their meeting points


Andrew Duffy
Andrew Duffy

H-Index: 10

Nuri Kim
Nuri Kim

H-Index: 8

The presence of the protagonist: Explaining narrative perspective effects through social presence

Media Psychology


See List of Professors in Nuri Kim University(Nanyang Technological University)

