Nophea Sasaki

About Nophea Sasaki

Nophea Sasaki, With an exceptional h-index of 29 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Asian Institute of Technology, specializes in the field of Nature-based Carbon Capture, Technovation and Sustainability.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Assessing changes in mangrove forest cover and carbon stocks in the Lower Mekong Region using Google Earth Engine

Pathways from research to sustainable development: Insights from ten research projects in sustainability and resilience

Assessing carbon emission reductions and removals in Vavuniya District, Sri Lanka: REDD+ project contributions to sustainability

Roles of rural tourism in the improvement of community livelihoods in Masbate Province, the Philippines: This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 10.05-10 …

Utilizing Innovative Earth Observation Technology for Strategic Degraded Forest Restoration: A Roadmap for Carbon Sequestration and Policy Implementation

Assessment of the factors influencing the performance of the adoption of green logistics in urban tourism in Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor

Park-Based Physical Activity, Users’ Socioeconomic Profiles, and Parks’ Characteristics: Empirical Evidence from Bangkok

Nature-based Carbon Pricing of Full Ecosystem Services for Peatland Conservation - A Case Study in Riau Province, Indonesia

Nophea Sasaki Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Nophea Sasaki Skills & Research Interests

Nature-based Carbon Capture

Technovation and Sustainability

Top articles of Nophea Sasaki

Assessing changes in mangrove forest cover and carbon stocks in the Lower Mekong Region using Google Earth Engine

Innovation and Green Development


Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Assessing carbon emission reductions and removals in Vavuniya District, Sri Lanka: REDD+ project contributions to sustainability

Next Sustainability


Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Malay Pramanik
Malay Pramanik

H-Index: 10

Roles of rural tourism in the improvement of community livelihoods in Masbate Province, the Philippines: This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 10.05-10 …

Frontier in Sustainable Agromaritime and Environmental Development Conference


Utilizing Innovative Earth Observation Technology for Strategic Degraded Forest Restoration: A Roadmap for Carbon Sequestration and Policy Implementation


Assessment of the factors influencing the performance of the adoption of green logistics in urban tourism in Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor

Social Sciences


Park-Based Physical Activity, Users’ Socioeconomic Profiles, and Parks’ Characteristics: Empirical Evidence from Bangkok



Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Ekbordin Winijkul
Ekbordin Winijkul

H-Index: 11

Nature-based Carbon Pricing of Full Ecosystem Services for Peatland Conservation - A Case Study in Riau Province, Indonesia

Nature-Based Solutions


Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen
Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen

H-Index: 7

Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Discrimination of Mangrove Stages Using Multitemporal Sentinel-1 C-Band Backscatter and Sentinel-2 Data – A Case Study in Samut Songkhram province, Thailand



Assessment of Forest Cover Changes in Vavuniya District, Sri Lanka: Implications for the Establishment of Subnational Forest Reference Emission Level



Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Assessing the Efficiency of Smallholder Sugarcane Production: The Case of Faisalabad, Pakistan

Agricultural Water Management


Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Estimation of baseline emissions, forest reference emission level, and carbon removals due to forest area changes in Afghanistan between 1993 and 2030

Cleaner Production Letters


Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Use of the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) model to examine sustainable agriculture in Thailand

Regional Sustainability


Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen
Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen

H-Index: 7

Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Improving Hill Farming: From Maize Monocropping to Alternative Cropping Systems in the Thai Highlands



Avishek Datta
Avishek Datta

H-Index: 24

Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Management of plantation forests for bioenergy generation, timber production, carbon emission reductions, and removals

Cleaner Environmental Systems


Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Avishek Datta
Avishek Datta

H-Index: 24

Assessment of the overall carbon storage in a teak plantation in Kanchanaburi province, Thailand–Implications for carbon-based incentives

Cleaner Environmental Systems


Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Impacts of tourism development on coastal communities in Cha-am Beach, the Gulf of Thailand, through analysis of local perceptions



Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Sohee Minsun Kim
Sohee Minsun Kim

H-Index: 7

Carbon Stock in Sub-National Level Forests in Nepal


Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Assessment of the forest carbon balance due to deforestation and plantation forestry in Southeast Asia

Energy Sustainability and Climate Change in ASEAN


Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

Management of Natural Forests for Carbon Emission Reductions Through Improved Logging Practices and Wood Bioenergy Use

Energy Sustainability and Climate Change in ASEAN


Nophea Sasaki
Nophea Sasaki

H-Index: 16

See List of Professors in Nophea Sasaki University(Asian Institute of Technology)

