Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

About Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Brawijaya, specializes in the field of Bioenergy, Biorefinery, Bioeconomy, Waste Management and Utisation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The potential of biochar-slurry fuel from agricultural wastes in Indonesia

Valorization of oil palm empty fruit bunches into activated carbon: A mini-review

Bioconversion of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) on agricultural waste: Potential source of protein and lipid, the application (A mini-review)

Biomass Valorization for Bioenergy Production

Characterisation of biochar from various carbon sources

Manajemen Budidaya Lebah Madu Klanceng (Trigona sp.) di Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) Telaga Lestari, Desa Ngebel, Kab. Ponorogo, Jawa Timur

Utilization of Podcasts as Supporting Media for the Digitalization of Kumkm-Tangguh Schools in Batu City

Comparison of acid and alkaline pre-treatment on methane production from empty palm oil fruit bunches (OPEFB): Effect on characteristics, digester performance, and correlation …

Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto Information



Department of Agroindustrial Technology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto Skills & Research Interests




Waste Management and Utisation

Top articles of Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

The potential of biochar-slurry fuel from agricultural wastes in Indonesia


Valorization of oil palm empty fruit bunches into activated carbon: A mini-review


Bioconversion of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) on agricultural waste: Potential source of protein and lipid, the application (A mini-review)


Characterisation of biochar from various carbon sources

BIO Web of Conferences


Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto
Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

H-Index: 6

Lukman Hakim
Lukman Hakim

H-Index: 14

Syahrul Kurniawan
Syahrul Kurniawan

H-Index: 11

Manajemen Budidaya Lebah Madu Klanceng (Trigona sp.) di Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) Telaga Lestari, Desa Ngebel, Kab. Ponorogo, Jawa Timur

Journal of Innovation and Applied Technology


Utilization of Podcasts as Supporting Media for the Digitalization of Kumkm-Tangguh Schools in Batu City

Journal of Innovation and Applied Technology


Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh
Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh

H-Index: 8

Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto
Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

H-Index: 6

Comparison of acid and alkaline pre-treatment on methane production from empty palm oil fruit bunches (OPEFB): Effect on characteristics, digester performance, and correlation …

Renewable Energy


Assessment of potential tropical woody biomass for coal co-firing on slagging and fouling aspects

Thermal Science and Engineering Progress


Fostering green innovation in achieving sustainable performance

Natural Resources Forum


Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto
Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

H-Index: 6

Enhancement of the ligninolytic activity of Lysinibacillus sphaericus by the addition of MnSO4 and its impact on subsequent methane production from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches …

Bioresource Technology Reports


Irnia Nurika
Irnia Nurika

H-Index: 5

Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto
Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

H-Index: 6

Sri Suhartini
Sri Suhartini

H-Index: 9

The Effect of Biochar Particle Size on Biogas Production Using Bread Waste Substrate

Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Tropis dan Biosistem


Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto
Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

H-Index: 6

Ria Dewi Andriani
Ria Dewi Andriani

H-Index: 3

Fajri Anugroho
Fajri Anugroho

H-Index: 6

Analysis of the Characteristics of Palm Oil Trunk Waste as Co-firing Fuel for Power Plant

The 6th Mechanical Engineering, Science and Technology (MEST 2022) International Conference


Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto
Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

H-Index: 6

Innovation and firm performance: The role of absorptive capacity and technological capability

International Journal of Business Innovation and Research


Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto
Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

H-Index: 6

Coffee Spent Ground-Based Biochar’s Properties and Application: A Systematic Review


Innovation and dissemination of science and technology in support of West Tanjung Jabung, Jambi Province towards the Mandiri Palma area.


Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto
Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

H-Index: 6

Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants


Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto
Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

H-Index: 6

The effect of methods and drying temperature on glycoside content (Stevioside and Rebaudioside A) in Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana): A systematic review


Perbaikan proses produksi dan ijin edar guna meningkatkan mutu produk unggulan daerah

Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS)


Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto
Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto

H-Index: 6

Mochammad Syamsul Hadi
Mochammad Syamsul Hadi

H-Index: 2

Effect of biochar addition on microbial community and methane production during anaerobic digestion of food wastes: The role of minerals in biochar

Bioresource Technology


See List of Professors in Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto University(Universitas Brawijaya)

