Niki Teunissen

Niki Teunissen

Monash University

H-index: 11


About Niki Teunissen

Niki Teunissen, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Monash University, specializes in the field of Behavioural ecology, cooperative breeding, avian biology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Nestling begging calls resemble maternal vocal signatures when mothers call slowly to embryos

Best of both worlds? Helpers in a cooperative fairy-wren assist most to breeding pairs that comprise a potential mate and a relative

Low‐and high‐intensity fire in the riparian savanna: Demographic impacts in an avian model species and implications for ecological fire management

Which plumage patches provide information about condition and success in a female fairy-wren?

Telomere dynamics in the first year of life, but not later in life, predict lifespan in a wild bird

Predator suppression by a toxic invader does not cascade to prey due to predation by alternate predators

Hot and dry conditions predict shorter nestling telomeres in an endangered songbird: Implications for population persistence

Telomere length declines with age, but relates to immune function independent of age in a wild passerine

Niki Teunissen Information



PhD Candidate



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Niki Teunissen Skills & Research Interests

Behavioural ecology

cooperative breeding

avian biology

Top articles of Niki Teunissen

Nestling begging calls resemble maternal vocal signatures when mothers call slowly to embryos

The American Naturalist


Niki Teunissen
Niki Teunissen

H-Index: 5

Anne Peters
Anne Peters

H-Index: 25

Best of both worlds? Helpers in a cooperative fairy-wren assist most to breeding pairs that comprise a potential mate and a relative

Royal Society Open Science


Low‐and high‐intensity fire in the riparian savanna: Demographic impacts in an avian model species and implications for ecological fire management

Journal of Applied Ecology


Niki Teunissen
Niki Teunissen

H-Index: 5

Anne Peters
Anne Peters

H-Index: 25

Which plumage patches provide information about condition and success in a female fairy-wren?

Behavioral Ecology


Telomere dynamics in the first year of life, but not later in life, predict lifespan in a wild bird

Molecular Ecology


Predator suppression by a toxic invader does not cascade to prey due to predation by alternate predators

Biological Invasions


Niki Teunissen
Niki Teunissen

H-Index: 5

Anne Peters
Anne Peters

H-Index: 25

Hot and dry conditions predict shorter nestling telomeres in an endangered songbird: Implications for population persistence

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Telomere length declines with age, but relates to immune function independent of age in a wild passerine

Royal Society Open Science


No evidence for constitutive innate immune senescence in a longitudinal study of a wild bird

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology


Context-dependent social benefits drive cooperative predator defence in a bird

Current Biology


The evolution of delayed dispersal and different routes to breeding in social birds


Fitness outcomes in relation to individual variation in constitutive innate immune function

Proceedings of the Royal Society B


Nest defence and offspring provisioning in a cooperative bird: individual subordinates vary in total contribution, but no division of tasks among breeders and subordinates

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology


Niki Teunissen
Niki Teunissen

H-Index: 5

Anne Peters
Anne Peters

H-Index: 25

Predator defense is shaped by risk, brood value and social group benefits in a cooperative breeder

Behavioral Ecology


Niki Teunissen
Niki Teunissen

H-Index: 5

Anne Peters
Anne Peters

H-Index: 25

See List of Professors in Niki Teunissen University(Monash University)