Nicole Bohme Carnegie

Nicole Bohme Carnegie

Montana State University

H-index: 14

North America-United States

About Nicole Bohme Carnegie

Nicole Bohme Carnegie, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Montana State University, specializes in the field of Network modeling, causal inference, epidemic modeling, HIV incidence estimation, HIV prevention.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Lifetime alcohol consumption patterns and young-onset breast cancer by subtype among Non-Hispanic Black and White women in the Young Women’s Health History Study

Estimating contact network properties by integrating multiple data sources associated with infectious diseases

Evidence of secular trends during the COVID-19 pandemic in a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial examining sexual and reproductive health outcomes among Indigenous youth

Trait emotional intelligence in American pilots

A Rural Community Hospital’s Perioperative Surgical Home Model Compared to a Traditional Surgical System

Calibration of an adaptive genetic algorithm for modeling opinion diffusion

Using social contact data to improve the overall effect estimate of a cluster-randomized influenza vaccination program in Senegal

Performance of a genetic algorithm for estimating degroot opinion diffusion model parameters for health behavior interventions

Nicole Bohme Carnegie Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Nicole Bohme Carnegie Skills & Research Interests

Network modeling

causal inference

epidemic modeling

HIV incidence estimation

HIV prevention

Top articles of Nicole Bohme Carnegie

Lifetime alcohol consumption patterns and young-onset breast cancer by subtype among Non-Hispanic Black and White women in the Young Women’s Health History Study

Cancer Causes & Control


Nicole Bohme Carnegie
Nicole Bohme Carnegie

H-Index: 11

Estimating contact network properties by integrating multiple data sources associated with infectious diseases

Statistics in Medicine


Evidence of secular trends during the COVID-19 pandemic in a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial examining sexual and reproductive health outcomes among Indigenous youth



Trait emotional intelligence in American pilots

Scientific Reports


A Rural Community Hospital’s Perioperative Surgical Home Model Compared to a Traditional Surgical System

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care


Calibration of an adaptive genetic algorithm for modeling opinion diffusion



Nicole Bohme Carnegie
Nicole Bohme Carnegie

H-Index: 11

Using social contact data to improve the overall effect estimate of a cluster-randomized influenza vaccination program in Senegal

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics


Nicole Bohme Carnegie
Nicole Bohme Carnegie

H-Index: 11

Performance of a genetic algorithm for estimating degroot opinion diffusion model parameters for health behavior interventions

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Nicole Bohme Carnegie
Nicole Bohme Carnegie

H-Index: 11

Using a novel genetic algorithm to assess peer influence on willingness to use pre-exposure prophylaxis in networks of Black men who have sex with men

Applied network science


Nicole Bohme Carnegie
Nicole Bohme Carnegie

H-Index: 11

Theory, methods, and operational results of the Young Women’s Health History Study: a study of young-onset breast cancer incidence in Black and White women

Cancer Causes & Control


Development of a Genetic Algorithm for Estimation for a DeGroot Opinion Diffusion Model


Nicole Bohme Carnegie
Nicole Bohme Carnegie

H-Index: 11

Model calibration in network models of HIV

4th EpiDAMIK ACM SIGKDD International Workshop on Epidemiology Meets Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery


Sally K Slipher
Sally K Slipher

H-Index: 0

Nicole Bohme Carnegie
Nicole Bohme Carnegie

H-Index: 11

Gatekeepers in the food industry: acceptability of edible insects

Journal of insects as food and feed


Abstract C030: Alcohol consumption and risk of young-onset breast cancer among non-Hispanic Black and White women in the Young Women’s Health History Study

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention


Nicole Bohme Carnegie
Nicole Bohme Carnegie

H-Index: 11

No longer an island: A social network intervention engaging black men through CBPR

American Journal of Men's Health


See List of Professors in Nicole Bohme Carnegie University(Montana State University)