Nick van de Giesen

About Nick van de Giesen

Nick van de Giesen, With an exceptional h-index of 66 and a recent h-index of 48 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technische Universiteit Delft, specializes in the field of water resources management, hydrologic modeling, distributed temperature sensing.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Safe Sowing Windows for Smallholder Farmers in West Africa in the Context of Climate Variability

Enhancing Rainfall Estimates in East Africa by Merging TAHMO Precipitation Gauge Data with Remote Sensing Rainfall Products

The global CML data collection initiative GCDCI: The solution for scaling up CML rainfall estimation in developing countries?

10 years of eWaterCycle: from prototype-forecast to platform for Open and FAIR hydrology

‘Commoning practices’ for energy justice? Perspectives on the heat transition in the city of Amsterdam

The uncertainty associated with the use of copulas in multivariate analysis

A Bayesian model for quantifying errors in citizen science data: application to rainfall observations from Nepal

Towards Open Access and Open Source Software for Image-Based Velocimetry Techniques

Nick van de Giesen Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Nick van de Giesen Skills & Research Interests

water resources management

hydrologic modeling

distributed temperature sensing

Top articles of Nick van de Giesen

Safe Sowing Windows for Smallholder Farmers in West Africa in the Context of Climate Variability



Enhancing Rainfall Estimates in East Africa by Merging TAHMO Precipitation Gauge Data with Remote Sensing Rainfall Products


Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

Rolf Hut
Rolf Hut

H-Index: 11

The global CML data collection initiative GCDCI: The solution for scaling up CML rainfall estimation in developing countries?


Remko Uijlenhoet
Remko Uijlenhoet

H-Index: 41

Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

10 years of eWaterCycle: from prototype-forecast to platform for Open and FAIR hydrology


‘Commoning practices’ for energy justice? Perspectives on the heat transition in the city of Amsterdam

Energy Research & Social Science


Udo Pesch
Udo Pesch

H-Index: 19

Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

The uncertainty associated with the use of copulas in multivariate analysis

Hydrological Sciences Journal


Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

A Bayesian model for quantifying errors in citizen science data: application to rainfall observations from Nepal

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


Gerrit Schoups
Gerrit Schoups

H-Index: 19

Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

Towards Open Access and Open Source Software for Image-Based Velocimetry Techniques


Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

RainRunner: A Deep Learning satellite rainfall retrieval model for West Africa


Closed-loop simulation testing of a probabilistic DR framework for Day Ahead Market participation applied to Battery Energy Storage Systems


Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

On the importance of observation uncertainty when evaluating and comparing models: a hydrological example



The Role of Water Vapor Observations in Satellite Rainfall Detection Highlighted by a Deep Learning Approach



TEMBO Africa: New sensors and geo-services for water management and agriculture


Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

Frank Annor
Frank Annor

H-Index: 7

Opportunities and Challenges in the Efficient Exploiting of Land, Energy and Water Resources within the Volta and Tana Basins in Africa


Viktoria Martin
Viktoria Martin

H-Index: 21

Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

Phenophase-based comparison of field observations to satellite-based actual evaporation estimates of a natural woodland: miombo woodland, southern Africa

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


Do observations show that rare extremes increase relatively more compared to common extremes?

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Wenyu Zhou
Wenyu Zhou

H-Index: 14

Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

Evaluating the influence of African dust in West African rainfall through Earth observation


Marie-Claire Ten Veldhuis
Marie-Claire Ten Veldhuis

H-Index: 16

Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

The struggle for free data: Twenty years experience from the Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO)


Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

John Selker
John Selker

H-Index: 33

Frank Annor
Frank Annor

H-Index: 7

Demonstrating the importance of streamflow observation uncertainty when evaluating and comparing hydrological models

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


A stochastic MPC framework for the control of pumping stations in polder systems with regard for uncertainty in inflow and hourly electricity prices


Nick Van De Giesen
Nick Van De Giesen

H-Index: 42

See List of Professors in Nick van de Giesen University(Technische Universiteit Delft)

