Nicholas DeVogel

Nicholas DeVogel

Medical College of Wisconsin

H-index: 5

North America-United States

About Nicholas DeVogel

Nicholas DeVogel, With an exceptional h-index of 5 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Medical College of Wisconsin, specializes in the field of Biostatistics, Statistical genetics, clinical trials, biomechanics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

On asymptotic distributions of several test statistics for familial relatedness in linear mixed models

A unified linear mixed model for familial relatedness and population structure in genetic association studies

A revisit to two-way factorial ANOVA with mixed effects and interactions

Hierarchical process using Brier Score Metrics for lower leg injury risk curves in vertical impact

Uncertainty evaluations for risk assessment in impact injuries and implications for clinical practice

Human pelvis bayesian injury probability curves from whole body lateral impact experiments

Human lumbar spinal column injury criteria from vertical loading at the base: Applications to military environments

Human Lumbar Spine Responses from Vertical Loading: Ranking of Forces Via Brier Score Metrics and Injury Risk Curves

Nicholas DeVogel Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Nicholas DeVogel Skills & Research Interests


Statistical genetics

clinical trials


Top articles of Nicholas DeVogel

On asymptotic distributions of several test statistics for familial relatedness in linear mixed models

Statistics in Medicine


Nicholas Devogel
Nicholas Devogel

H-Index: 3

Tao Wang
Tao Wang

H-Index: 17

A unified linear mixed model for familial relatedness and population structure in genetic association studies

Genetic Epidemiology


Nicholas Devogel
Nicholas Devogel

H-Index: 3

Tao Wang
Tao Wang

H-Index: 17

A revisit to two-way factorial ANOVA with mixed effects and interactions

Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods


Tao Wang
Tao Wang

H-Index: 17

Nicholas Devogel
Nicholas Devogel

H-Index: 3

Hierarchical process using Brier Score Metrics for lower leg injury risk curves in vertical impact

BMJ Mil Health


Nicholas Devogel
Nicholas Devogel

H-Index: 3

Uncertainty evaluations for risk assessment in impact injuries and implications for clinical practice

Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology


Human pelvis bayesian injury probability curves from whole body lateral impact experiments

Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy


Nicholas Devogel
Nicholas Devogel

H-Index: 3

Anjishnu Banerjee
Anjishnu Banerjee

H-Index: 17

Human lumbar spinal column injury criteria from vertical loading at the base: Applications to military environments

Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials


Human Lumbar Spine Responses from Vertical Loading: Ranking of Forces Via Brier Score Metrics and Injury Risk Curves

Annals of biomedical engineering


Nicholas Devogel
Nicholas Devogel

H-Index: 3

Anjishnu Banerjee
Anjishnu Banerjee

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Nicholas DeVogel University(Medical College of Wisconsin)