Nalda Wainwright

About Nalda Wainwright

Nalda Wainwright, With an exceptional h-index of 13 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Wales Trinity Saint David, specializes in the field of Physical Literacy, Physical Education, Outdoor Education, Early Childhood motor development, Play.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

MiniMovers: An initial pilot and feasibility study to investigate the impact of a mobile application on children’s motor skills and parent support for physical development

Interventions targeting motor skills in pre-school-aged children with direct or indirect parent engagement: A systematic review and narrative synthesis

SKIPping with PALS: Exploring parental engagement in a motor intervention for their preschool children

Development, explanation, and presentation of the physical literacy interventions reporting template (PLIRT)

The epistemological challenges of evaluating the effectiveness of a pedagogical model for adventure education

WALES 2021 Active Healthy Kids (AHK) report card: the fourth pandemic of childhood inactivity

Well-being resources and mass participation sports events in Pembrokeshire

The role of outdoor and adventurous activities in primary education

Nalda Wainwright Information



Director Wales Academy for Health and Physical Literacy



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Nalda Wainwright Skills & Research Interests

Physical Literacy

Physical Education

Outdoor Education

Early Childhood motor development


Top articles of Nalda Wainwright

MiniMovers: An initial pilot and feasibility study to investigate the impact of a mobile application on children’s motor skills and parent support for physical development



Yajie Zhang
Yajie Zhang

H-Index: 3

Nalda Wainwright
Nalda Wainwright

H-Index: 8

Interventions targeting motor skills in pre-school-aged children with direct or indirect parent engagement: A systematic review and narrative synthesis


Nalda Wainwright
Nalda Wainwright

H-Index: 8

Andy Williams
Andy Williams

H-Index: 21

SKIPping with PALS: Exploring parental engagement in a motor intervention for their preschool children

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport


Development, explanation, and presentation of the physical literacy interventions reporting template (PLIRT)

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity


The epistemological challenges of evaluating the effectiveness of a pedagogical model for adventure education


Nalda Wainwright
Nalda Wainwright

H-Index: 8

Andy Williams
Andy Williams

H-Index: 21

WALES 2021 Active Healthy Kids (AHK) report card: the fourth pandemic of childhood inactivity

International journal of environmental research and public health


Well-being resources and mass participation sports events in Pembrokeshire

Event Management


Nalda Wainwright
Nalda Wainwright

H-Index: 8

Andy Williams
Andy Williams

H-Index: 21

The role of outdoor and adventurous activities in primary education


Nalda Wainwright
Nalda Wainwright

H-Index: 8

Andy Williams
Andy Williams

H-Index: 21

The foundation phase in wales, outdoor learning and motor development

Journal of Physical Education and Sport


Nalda Wainwright
Nalda Wainwright

H-Index: 8

Children’s outdoor movement education: position statement

Journal of Physical Education and Sport


Developing children’s motor skills in the Foundation Phase in Wales to support physical literacy

Education 3-13


Nalda Wainwright
Nalda Wainwright

H-Index: 8

Kate Williams
Kate Williams

H-Index: 17

Re-thinking adventurous activities in physical education: Models-based approaches

Journal of adventure education and outdoor learning


Andrew Williams
Andrew Williams

H-Index: 7

Nalda Wainwright
Nalda Wainwright

H-Index: 8

Playful pedagogy for deeper learning: exploring the implementation of the play-based foundation phase in Wales

Early child development and care


See List of Professors in Nalda Wainwright University(University of Wales Trinity Saint David)