Muzaffer Bilgin

About Muzaffer Bilgin

Muzaffer Bilgin, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Eskisehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, specializes in the field of Biyoistatistik.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Cardiac Involvement In Patients With Behcet’s Disease: A Retrospective, Single-Center Experience

Efficacy and Safety of Local Psoralen-UVA Treatment in Palmoplantar Dermatoses: A Single-Center Retrospective Study

Turkish Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of Nıjmegen Gender Awareness in Medicine Scale: Assessment of Validity and Relıability

Ceza Sorumluluğu Değerlendirilen Olguların Sosyodemografik, Klinik Özellikleri ve Psikopati Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi

Narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy for pityriasis lichenoides: A real‐life experience

İç Hastalıkları Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Gelişen Enfeksiyonlar ve Mortalitenin Değerlendirilmesi

The effect of drip versus intermittent feeding on splanchnic oxygenation in preterm infants with intrauterine growth restriction: a prospective randomized trial

Comparison of pan‐immune‐inflammation value with other inflammation markers of long‐term survival after ST‐segment elevation myocardial infarction

Muzaffer Bilgin Information



Tıp Fakültesi Biyoistatistik A.D.



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Muzaffer Bilgin Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Muzaffer Bilgin

Cardiac Involvement In Patients With Behcet’s Disease: A Retrospective, Single-Center Experience

Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi


Muzaffer Bilgin
Muzaffer Bilgin

H-Index: 10

Efficacy and Safety of Local Psoralen-UVA Treatment in Palmoplantar Dermatoses: A Single-Center Retrospective Study

Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi


Ersoy Acer
Ersoy Acer

H-Index: 5

Muzaffer Bilgin
Muzaffer Bilgin

H-Index: 10

Turkish Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of Nıjmegen Gender Awareness in Medicine Scale: Assessment of Validity and Relıability

Konuralp Medical Journal/Konuralp Tip Dergisi


Ali Ercan Altinoz
Ali Ercan Altinoz

H-Index: 6

Muzaffer Bilgin
Muzaffer Bilgin

H-Index: 10

Ceza Sorumluluğu Değerlendirilen Olguların Sosyodemografik, Klinik Özellikleri ve Psikopati Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi

Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi


Narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy for pityriasis lichenoides: A real‐life experience

Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine


İç Hastalıkları Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Gelişen Enfeksiyonlar ve Mortalitenin Değerlendirilmesi

Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi


The effect of drip versus intermittent feeding on splanchnic oxygenation in preterm infants with intrauterine growth restriction: a prospective randomized trial

European Journal of Pediatrics


Muzaffer Bilgin
Muzaffer Bilgin

H-Index: 10

Comparison of pan‐immune‐inflammation value with other inflammation markers of long‐term survival after ST‐segment elevation myocardial infarction

European Journal of Clinical Investigation


Muzaffer Bilgin
Muzaffer Bilgin

H-Index: 10

Evaluation of hemodialysis patients and hemodialysis health workers with COVID-19 IgM and IgG antibody test; a multicenter study from Eskisehir, Turkiye

Northern Clinics of Istanbul


Sultan Ozkurt
Sultan Ozkurt

H-Index: 6

Muzaffer Bilgin
Muzaffer Bilgin

H-Index: 10

Sistemik lupus eritematozus hastalarında gebelik seyri: Tek merkez deneyimi.

Journal of Turkish Society for Rheumatology


Muzaffer Bilgin
Muzaffer Bilgin

H-Index: 10

Evaluation of Total Oxidant and Total Antioxidant Status in Patients with Acne Vulgaris

Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi


Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Orthopedic Trauma Practice: Experiences From A University Hospital in Turkey

Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi


Increased severe cases and new-onset type 1 diabetes among children presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis during first year of COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey

Frontiers in pediatrics


Comparison of the prognostic value of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratios at different time points in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction by five-year follow-up.


Lactate and base deficit combination score for predicting blood transfusion need in blunt multi-trauma patients

Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery


The Relationship Between Inflammatory Indicators and the Severity of the Disease in Coronavirus Disease.

Meandros Medical & Dental Journal


Clinical characteristics and in-hospital outcomes of COVID-19 patients with history of heart failure: a propensity score-matched study

Anatolian Journal of Cardiology/Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi


Outcomes of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation of Oncologic Patients in Emergency Department

Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan


Nurdan Acar
Nurdan Acar

H-Index: 8

Muzaffer Bilgin
Muzaffer Bilgin

H-Index: 10

Comparison of manual and mechanical chest compression techniques using cerebral oximetry in witnessed cardiac arrests at the emergency department: A prospective, randomized …

The American journal of emergency medicine


Nurdan Acar
Nurdan Acar

H-Index: 8

Muzaffer Bilgin
Muzaffer Bilgin

H-Index: 10

Hematological parameters and leukocyte formulas in predicting celiac disease in children with iron deficiency anemia


See List of Professors in Muzaffer Bilgin University(Eskisehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi)