Mohsen Vahedi

About Mohsen Vahedi

Mohsen Vahedi, With an exceptional h-index of 27 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, specializes in the field of Biostatistics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Investigating the Design and Evaluation of Dynamic Movement Orthosis on Functional Parameters of Gait and Occupational Performance in a Child with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy

Reliability of muscle stiffness measures in popliteus, medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscles by ultrasound shear wave elastography in participants with knee osteoarthritis …

Factors associated with suicidal ideation among medical residents in Tehran during the COVID-19 pandemic: A multicentric cross-sectional survey

Cross-cultural Adaptation, Validity, and Reliability of the Persian Version of Back Pain and Body Posture Evaluation Instrument for Adults

Effect of a 5A Model-based Self-management Program on Self-management Ability and Dyspnea Severity in the Elderly with Chronic Heart Failure: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Psychometric Evaluation of the Persian Version of the Functional Mobility Scale: Assessing Validity and Reliability

The effectiveness of Balint group work on the quality of work life, resilience, and nurse–patient communication skills among psychiatric nurses: a randomized controlled trial

Translation, Cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of psychometric properties of the CarMen-Q mental workload questionnaire into Persian

Mohsen Vahedi Information



Assistant Professor of Biostatistics



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mohsen Vahedi Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Mohsen Vahedi

Investigating the Design and Evaluation of Dynamic Movement Orthosis on Functional Parameters of Gait and Occupational Performance in a Child with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy

Archives of Rehabilitation


Reliability of muscle stiffness measures in popliteus, medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscles by ultrasound shear wave elastography in participants with knee osteoarthritis …

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders


Factors associated with suicidal ideation among medical residents in Tehran during the COVID-19 pandemic: A multicentric cross-sectional survey

PLoS one


Fahimeh Saeed
Fahimeh Saeed

H-Index: 3

Mohsen Vahedi
Mohsen Vahedi

H-Index: 22

Cross-cultural Adaptation, Validity, and Reliability of the Persian Version of Back Pain and Body Posture Evaluation Instrument for Adults

Disability and Rehabilitation


Effect of a 5A Model-based Self-management Program on Self-management Ability and Dyspnea Severity in the Elderly with Chronic Heart Failure: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Iranian Journal of Ageing


Psychometric Evaluation of the Persian Version of the Functional Mobility Scale: Assessing Validity and Reliability

BMC nursing


The effectiveness of Balint group work on the quality of work life, resilience, and nurse–patient communication skills among psychiatric nurses: a randomized controlled trial

Frontiers in Psychology


Mohsen Vahedi
Mohsen Vahedi

H-Index: 22

Translation, Cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of psychometric properties of the CarMen-Q mental workload questionnaire into Persian


Fear of Falling and Physical Activities: A Comparison Between Rural and Urban Elderly People

Archives of Rehabilitation


Farhad Azadi
Farhad Azadi

H-Index: 5

Mohsen Vahedi
Mohsen Vahedi

H-Index: 22

Investigating the effect of using Wii Fit on functional balance and elbow joint flexion in children with spastic unilateral cerebral palsy: an interventional study


Mohsen Vahedi
Mohsen Vahedi

H-Index: 22

Research Paper Cross-cultural Adaptation, Validity, and Reliability of the Persian Version of Back Pain and Body Posture Evaluation Instrument for Adults


Farhad Azadi
Farhad Azadi

H-Index: 5

Mohsen Vahedi
Mohsen Vahedi

H-Index: 22

The Outcome of Pauci-immune Crescentic Glomerulonephritis and Its Prognostic Factors; A single Center Case Series.

Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases


Mohsen Vahedi
Mohsen Vahedi

H-Index: 22

Investigating the Effect of Addition of Cervical Proprioceptive Training to Conventional Physiotherapy on Visual, Vestibular and Proprioceptive Dependency of Postural Control …

Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery


Hamed Ghomashchi
Hamed Ghomashchi

H-Index: 7

Mohsen Vahedi
Mohsen Vahedi

H-Index: 22

The Persian Version of the Inventory of Hyperacusis Symptoms: The Translation Process, Psychometric Properties, and Diagnostic Criteria in Compared with Hyperacusis Questionnaire

Auditory and Vestibular Research


Mohsen Vahedi
Mohsen Vahedi

H-Index: 22

A case series on the effect of dynamic neoprene orthosis on lower limb kinematic variables in children with cerebral palsy

Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine


Comparing the Effectiveness of Puppet Psychodrama and Pantomime on Social Interaction in Children with High-Functioning Autism

Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences


Kaveh Moghaddam
Kaveh Moghaddam

H-Index: 7

Mohsen Vahedi
Mohsen Vahedi

H-Index: 22

Association between CDKN1A gene rs1801270 polymorphisms and susceptibility to colorectal cancser in an Iranian population

Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids


Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Care Transitions Measure (CTM-15) in Iranian Older People

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth


The effect of Therapeutic Communication based Peplau’s theory on anxiety and Resilience of patients admitted to the corona ward of Khatam Al-Anbia Hospital in Tehran

Iranian Journal of Nursing Research


The development and psychometric assessment of communication skills checklist for 6-to 24-month-old Persian children

Applied Neuropsychology: Child


Atieh Ashtari
Atieh Ashtari

H-Index: 3

Mohsen Vahedi
Mohsen Vahedi

H-Index: 22

See List of Professors in Mohsen Vahedi University(University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences)

