Mohsen Shahriari moghadam

About Mohsen Shahriari moghadam

Mohsen Shahriari moghadam, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Zabol, specializes in the field of bioremediation, Histopathology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Efficient biodegradation of crude oil by novel Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain isolated from petrochemical wastewater: identification and optimization

Bioaccumulation efficiency comparison of heavy metals in Verbascum speciosum, Acantholimon hohenackeri, Acanthophyllum microcephalum, and Euphorbia macroclada, grown around …

Assessing the impact of dietary polystyrene nanoplastics on growth performance, immunological parameters, and antioxidant defense in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Investigating Land Cover Changes Using Landscape Metrics on the Coasts of Chabahar

The effect of diet containing garlic powder (Allium sativum) on mercury bioaccumulation and shelf life of common carp fillet (Cyprinus carpio)

Public Attitudes toward Environmental Impacts from Seawater Desalination: Insights from Southeast Iran

The Lantana camara L. stem biomass as an inexpensive and efficient biosorbent for the adsorptive removal of malachite green from aquatic environments: kinetics …

Effects of dietary Plantago ovata seed extract administration on growth performance and immune function of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerling exposed to …

Mohsen Shahriari moghadam Information



Department of Environment Faculty of Natural Resources



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Mohsen Shahriari moghadam Skills & Research Interests



Top articles of Mohsen Shahriari moghadam

Efficient biodegradation of crude oil by novel Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain isolated from petrochemical wastewater: identification and optimization

Petroleum Science and Technology


Bioaccumulation efficiency comparison of heavy metals in Verbascum speciosum, Acantholimon hohenackeri, Acanthophyllum microcephalum, and Euphorbia macroclada, grown around …

Journal of Research in Environmental Health


Assessing the impact of dietary polystyrene nanoplastics on growth performance, immunological parameters, and antioxidant defense in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Journal of the World Aquaculture Society


Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam
Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam

H-Index: 11

Sevdan Yilmaz
Sevdan Yilmaz

H-Index: 23

Investigating Land Cover Changes Using Landscape Metrics on the Coasts of Chabahar

Ecology of Iranian Forest


The effect of diet containing garlic powder (Allium sativum) on mercury bioaccumulation and shelf life of common carp fillet (Cyprinus carpio)

Aquaculture Sciences


Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam
Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam

H-Index: 11

Public Attitudes toward Environmental Impacts from Seawater Desalination: Insights from Southeast Iran

Water Harvesting Research


Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam
Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam

H-Index: 11

Malihe Erfani
Malihe Erfani

H-Index: 3

Saeed Mohammadi
Saeed Mohammadi

H-Index: 11

The Lantana camara L. stem biomass as an inexpensive and efficient biosorbent for the adsorptive removal of malachite green from aquatic environments: kinetics …

International Journal of Phytoremediation


Effects of dietary Plantago ovata seed extract administration on growth performance and immune function of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerling exposed to …

Veterinary Research Communications


Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) fruit extract improves growth performance, disease resistance, and serum immune-and antioxidant-related gene expression of common carp …



Individual and combined effects of the dietary Spirulina platensis and Bacillus licheniformis supplementation on growth performance, antioxidant capacity, innate immunity …

Fish & Shellfish Immunology


Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam
Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam

H-Index: 11

Effects of caffeic acid on the growth performance, growth genes, digestive enzyme activity, and serum immune parameters of beluga (Huso huso)

Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology


Effect of a diet enriched with sodium propionate on growth performance, antioxidant property, innate-adaptive immune response, and growth-related genes expression in critically …

Fish & Shellfish Immunology


Can dietary ethanolic extract of propolis alter growth performance, digestive enzyme activity, antioxidant, and immune indices in juvenile beluga sturgeon (Huso huso)?



An evaluation of target hazard quotation of mercury and Arsenic in four commercially fish species of the Oman Sea, Iran

Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity


Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam
Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam

H-Index: 11

Isolation and identification of Delftia lacustris Strain-MS3 as a novel and efficient adsorbent for lead biosorption: Kinetics and thermodynamic studies, optimization of …

Biochemical Engineering Journal


Effect of dietary golder powder (Otostegia persica) on blood parameters, antioxidant defense and immune of common carp (Cyprinus carpio)

Aquatic Physiology and Biotechnology


Ebrahim Alizadeh
Ebrahim Alizadeh

H-Index: 4

Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam
Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam

H-Index: 11

Correction to: Mercury, arsenic and selenium concentrations in marine fish species from the Oman Sea, Iran, and health risk assessment

Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences


Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam
Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam

H-Index: 11

Effects of dietary p‐coumaric acid on the growth performance, digestive enzyme activity, humoral immunity and immune‐related gene expression in common carp, Cyprinus carpio

Aquaculture Nutrition


Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam
Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam

H-Index: 11

Effects of polystyrene microparticles on inflammation, antioxidant enzyme activities, and related gene expression in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam
Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam

H-Index: 11

Aliakbar Hedayati
Aliakbar Hedayati

H-Index: 16

Mercury, arsenic and selenium concentrations in marine fish species from the Oman Sea, Iran, and health risk assessment

Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences


Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam
Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Mohsen Shahriari moghadam University(University of Zabol)