Mohammad Shorif Uddin

About Mohammad Shorif Uddin

Mohammad Shorif Uddin, With an exceptional h-index of 28 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Jahangirnagar University, specializes in the field of Computer Vision, Image Security, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A Visual Dataset for Recognition of Rice Varieties

A comprehensive dragon fruit image dataset for detecting the maturity and quality grading of dragon fruit

Cost and Time Efficiency Analysis of Manual and e-Procurement Systems in Roads and Highways Department: Tender Advertising Issue Perspective

Image Watermarking Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition for Enhanced Imperceptibility and Robustness

Shanketik: Revolutionizing Communication for the Deaf and Mute-A Reinforcement Learning-Enhanced Bangla AAC Application

An extensive real-world in field tomato image dataset involving maturity classification and recognition of fresh and defect tomatoes

A dataset for assessing real-time attention levels of the students during online classes

Process Improvement Hypothesis Testing in an e-Procurement Implementation Assessment Model Framework: A Case Study of Bangladesh's Roads and Highways Division

Mohammad Shorif Uddin Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Mohammad Shorif Uddin Skills & Research Interests

Computer Vision

Image Security

Data Science

Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning

Top articles of Mohammad Shorif Uddin

A Visual Dataset for Recognition of Rice Varieties

Data in Brief


Galib Muhammad Shahriar Himel
Galib Muhammad Shahriar Himel

H-Index: 1

Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

A comprehensive dragon fruit image dataset for detecting the maturity and quality grading of dragon fruit

Data in Brief


Tania Khatun
Tania Khatun

H-Index: 3

Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Cost and Time Efficiency Analysis of Manual and e-Procurement Systems in Roads and Highways Department: Tender Advertising Issue Perspective

British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies


Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Image Watermarking Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition for Enhanced Imperceptibility and Robustness



Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Alistair Barros
Alistair Barros

H-Index: 21

Shanketik: Revolutionizing Communication for the Deaf and Mute-A Reinforcement Learning-Enhanced Bangla AAC Application


Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

An extensive real-world in field tomato image dataset involving maturity classification and recognition of fresh and defect tomatoes

Data in Brief


Tania Khatun
Tania Khatun

H-Index: 3

Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

A dataset for assessing real-time attention levels of the students during online classes

Data in Brief


Muhammad Kamal Hossen
Muhammad Kamal Hossen

H-Index: 7

Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Process Improvement Hypothesis Testing in an e-Procurement Implementation Assessment Model Framework: A Case Study of Bangladesh's Roads and Highways Division

British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies


Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

MultiResEdge: A deep learning-based edge detection approach

Intelligent Systems with Applications


Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Computer Vision and Machine Learning in Agriculture: An Introduction

data science in agriculture and natural resource management


Deep Learning Modeling for Gourd Species Recognition Using VGG-16


Md Mehedi Hasan
Md Mehedi Hasan

H-Index: 4

Khairul Alam
Khairul Alam

H-Index: 23

Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Freshness Identification of Fruits Through the Development of a Dataset


Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

A dataset for successful recognition of cucumber diseases

Data in Brief


Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Notes on Image Watermarking and Steganography


Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Development: ICICTD 2022


MedAi: A Smartwatch-Based Application Framework for the Prediction of Common Diseases Using Machine Learning

IEEE Access


Alistair Barros
Alistair Barros

H-Index: 21

Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Transparency hypothesis testing in an e-procurement implementation assessment model framework: Case study of Bangladesh's roads and highways division

International Journal of Science and Research Archive


Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Attention monitoring of students during online classes using XGBoost classifier

Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence


Muhammad Kamal Hossen
Muhammad Kamal Hossen

H-Index: 7

Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Efficiency Hypothesis Testing in an e-Procurement Implementation Assessment Model Framework: A Case Study of Bangladesh's Roads and Highways Division


Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

Dia-Glass: a calorie-calculating spectacles for diabetic patients using augmented reality and faster R-CNN


Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Mohammad Shorif Uddin

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Mohammad Shorif Uddin University(Jahangirnagar University)

