Mohammad Sharif

About Mohammad Sharif

Mohammad Sharif, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Hormozgan University, specializes in the field of GIScience, Spatial Data Science, Movement Analytics, Sustainable Mobility, Location-Based Services.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Measuring Trajectory Similarity Based on the Spatio-Temporal Properties of Moving Objects in Road Networks

Modeling Dust storm based on spectral dust indicators and Artificial intelligence in Hormozgan province

Reconstruction of the trajectories of moving objects using context-based dynamic time warping similarity measure method

A Context-Aware Hybrid Deep Learning Model for the Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Trajectories

Predicting Dust-Storm Transport Pathways Using a Convolutional Neural Network and Geographic Context for Impact Adaptation and Mitigation in Urban Areas

Tropical Storm Path Prediction Using Long Short-Term Memory Model, Similarity Measurement of Trajectories and Contextual Information

FLCSS: A fuzzy-based longest common subsequence method for uncertainty management in trajectory similarity measures

Temporal estimation of corn (Zea mays L.) yield using GRAMI model, satellite imagery, and climate data in a semi-arid area

Mohammad Sharif Information



Assistant Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Mohammad Sharif Skills & Research Interests


Spatial Data Science

Movement Analytics

Sustainable Mobility

Location-Based Services

Top articles of Mohammad Sharif

Measuring Trajectory Similarity Based on the Spatio-Temporal Properties of Moving Objects in Road Networks



Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

Modeling Dust storm based on spectral dust indicators and Artificial intelligence in Hormozgan province

Iranian Journal of Geophysics


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

Reconstruction of the trajectories of moving objects using context-based dynamic time warping similarity measure method

Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

A Context-Aware Hybrid Deep Learning Model for the Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Trajectories

Expert Systems with Applications


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

Predicting Dust-Storm Transport Pathways Using a Convolutional Neural Network and Geographic Context for Impact Adaptation and Mitigation in Urban Areas

Remote Sensing


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

Hossein Vahidi
Hossein Vahidi

H-Index: 3

Tropical Storm Path Prediction Using Long Short-Term Memory Model, Similarity Measurement of Trajectories and Contextual Information

Engineering Journal of Geospatial Information Technology


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

FLCSS: A fuzzy-based longest common subsequence method for uncertainty management in trajectory similarity measures

Transactions in GIS


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

Mahdi Farnaghi
Mahdi Farnaghi

H-Index: 7

Temporal estimation of corn (Zea mays L.) yield using GRAMI model, satellite imagery, and climate data in a semi-arid area

Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

Predicting the transport pathway of dust storms using convolutional neural network

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Location-Based Services


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

Farid Karimipour
Farid Karimipour

H-Index: 8

A context‑aware dimension reduction framework for trajectory and health signal analyses

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

Farid Karimipour
Farid Karimipour

H-Index: 8

Mitigation of the Impacts of Heat Islands on Energy Consumption in Buildings: A Case Study of the City of Tehran, Iran

Sustainable Cities and Society


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

Prediction of vessels locations and maritime traffic using similarity measurement of trajectory

Annals of GIS


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

Vessel Trajectory Prediction Using Historical Automatic Identification System Data

Journal of Navigation


Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif

H-Index: 7

See List of Professors in Mohammad Sharif University(Hormozgan University)

