Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

About Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam, With an exceptional h-index of 43 and a recent h-index of 35 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Analytical methods, microextraction techniques, Chromatography.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Development of heat-assisted in-situ solvent formation liquid phase microextraction followed by derivatization for the simultaneous extraction of aliphatic amines from …

Development of a hollow fiber–liquid phase microextraction method using tissue culture oil for the extraction of free metoprolol from plasma samples

Development of temperature-assisted solidification of floating organic droplet-based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction performed during centrifugation for extraction of …

Validation of an efficient analytical method for quantification of tetracycline antibiotic residues in egg samples along with investigating their decontamination using …

Using an efficient Al-based MOF in a two-step microextraction procedure for the extraction of pesticides from commercial fruit beverages

Extraction and preconcentration of parabens from the human follicular fluid through dispersive micro solid phase extraction using microporous MIL-68 (In) followed by in-situ …

Deep eutectic solvent–based pressurized liquid extraction combined with dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of organophosphorus pesticide residues in egg powder prior to …

Development of a continuous magnetic dispersive solid phase extraction method for the extraction of seven widely used pesticides from fruit juices

Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam Information



Food and Drug safety Research Center



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam Skills & Research Interests

Analytical methods

microextraction techniques


Top articles of Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

Development of heat-assisted in-situ solvent formation liquid phase microextraction followed by derivatization for the simultaneous extraction of aliphatic amines from …

Microchemical Journal


Development of a hollow fiber–liquid phase microextraction method using tissue culture oil for the extraction of free metoprolol from plasma samples

Journal of Chromatography B


Mir Ali Farajzadeh
Mir Ali Farajzadeh

H-Index: 36

Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

Jalil Houshyar
Jalil Houshyar

H-Index: 4

Development of temperature-assisted solidification of floating organic droplet-based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction performed during centrifugation for extraction of …

Chemical Papers


Validation of an efficient analytical method for quantification of tetracycline antibiotic residues in egg samples along with investigating their decontamination using …

International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry


Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

Zohreh Mashak
Zohreh Mashak

H-Index: 11

Using an efficient Al-based MOF in a two-step microextraction procedure for the extraction of pesticides from commercial fruit beverages

International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry


Extraction and preconcentration of parabens from the human follicular fluid through dispersive micro solid phase extraction using microporous MIL-68 (In) followed by in-situ …

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis


Deep eutectic solvent–based pressurized liquid extraction combined with dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of organophosphorus pesticide residues in egg powder prior to …

Journal of Separation Science


Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

Development of a continuous magnetic dispersive solid phase extraction method for the extraction of seven widely used pesticides from fruit juices

Microchemical Journal


Synthesis of the magnetic composite of Ni-MOF-I in aqueous medium and its application in magnetic dispersive micro solid phase extraction of plasticizers from pharmaceutical …

Microchemical Journal


Mir Ali Farajzadeh
Mir Ali Farajzadeh

H-Index: 36

Sakha Pezhhanfar
Sakha Pezhhanfar

H-Index: 2

Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

Extraction of Covid-19 drug (Favipiravir) from plasma samples by yolk-shell mesoporous silica before HPLC-MS/MS determination

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis


Mir Ali Farajzadeh
Mir Ali Farajzadeh

H-Index: 36

Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

Streamlined Water-Leaching Preconcentration Method As a Novel Analytical Approach and Its Coupling to Dispersive Micro-Solid-Phase Extraction Based on Synthetically Modified …

ACS omega


Dispersive solid phase extraction of tacrolimus from biological samples using curcumin and iron-based metal organic frameworks nanocomposite followed by LC-MS/MS determination

Journal of Chromatography B


Development of an effervescence‐assisted dispersive liquid phase microextraction using a binary solvent as a simultaneous extraction and preconcentration approach specialized …

Separation Science Plus


Mir Ali Farajzadeh
Mir Ali Farajzadeh

H-Index: 36

Sakha Pezhhanfar
Sakha Pezhhanfar

H-Index: 2

Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

In–syringe homogenous liquid–liquid extraction combined with ionic liquid based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for the extraction of aflatoxin B1 from edible …

Microchemical Journal


Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

In-situ formation of CO2-incorportaed solid sorbent for dispersive solid phase extraction of phenolic compounds from water and wastewater samples prior to gas chromatography …

Analytica Chimica Acta


Mir Ali Farajzadeh
Mir Ali Farajzadeh

H-Index: 36

Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

Carbonized aerogel/ZnO-based dispersive solid phase extraction of daclatasvir and sofosbuvir from biological samples prior to liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis


Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

Reza Ghanbari
Reza Ghanbari

H-Index: 0

Application of magnetic dispersive solid phase extraction combined with solidification of floating organic droplet-based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and GC-MS in …

Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A


HPLC-FLD determination of aflatoxins M 1 and M 2 in raw cow milk samples using in-syringe gas-controlled density tunable solidification of a floating organic droplet-based …

RSC advances


Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

Deep eutectic solvent-based microwave-assisted extraction combined with in-syringe homogenous liquid–liquid microextraction of chloramphenicol and florfenicol from chicken meat

Microchemical Journal


Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

Hamid Mirzaei
Hamid Mirzaei

H-Index: 6

Development of dispersive solid phase extraction based on magnetic metal organic framework for the extraction of sunitinib in biological samples and its determination by high …

Journal of Chromatography B


Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam
Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam

H-Index: 29

Mir Ali Farajzadeh
Mir Ali Farajzadeh

H-Index: 36

See List of Professors in Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam University(Tabriz University of Medical Sciences)