Mohammad Javad Nematollahi

About Mohammad Javad Nematollahi

Mohammad Javad Nematollahi, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Shiraz University, specializes in the field of Environmental Geochemistry, Ecotoxicology, Hydrogeochemistry, Trace Elements, Microplastic.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Determining the water quality of the Tajan River (Sari City) to select the release station for economic fish juveniles of the Caspian Sea (2022)

Spatio-temporal variations of phosphorus (P) fractions in surface sediments of the southern Caspian Sea

Seasonal and Spatial Distribution of Phosphorus Fractions in Surface Sediments of the Southern Caspian Sea

Characterization of ingested MPs and their relation with growth parameters of endemic and invasive fish from a coastal wetland

Microplastics in abiotic compartments of a hypersaline lacustrine ecosystem

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils around oil refineries; Case study: Erbil and Kirkuk refineries, Iraq-A modelling approach

Evaluation of the 13 May 2018 frontal dust storm in Shiraz: Stable isotopes signature, source apportionment, and concentration of potentially toxic elements

Effect of land use on microplastic pollution in a major boundary waterway: the Arvand River

Mohammad Javad Nematollahi Information


Position Environmental Geoscience Department of Earth Sciences Iran



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mohammad Javad Nematollahi Skills & Research Interests

Environmental Geochemistry



Trace Elements


Top articles of Mohammad Javad Nematollahi

Determining the water quality of the Tajan River (Sari City) to select the release station for economic fish juveniles of the Caspian Sea (2022)

Kharazmi Journal of Earth Sciences


Reza Safari
Reza Safari

H-Index: 11

Mohammad Javad Nematollahi
Mohammad Javad Nematollahi

H-Index: 5

Spatio-temporal variations of phosphorus (P) fractions in surface sediments of the southern Caspian Sea


Pooria Ebrahimi
Pooria Ebrahimi

H-Index: 5

Mohammad Javad Nematollahi
Mohammad Javad Nematollahi

H-Index: 5

Rolf David Vogt
Rolf David Vogt

H-Index: 24

Seasonal and Spatial Distribution of Phosphorus Fractions in Surface Sediments of the Southern Caspian Sea

Iranian Journal of Science


Mohammad Javad Nematollahi
Mohammad Javad Nematollahi

H-Index: 5

Rolf David Vogt
Rolf David Vogt

H-Index: 24

Pooria Ebrahimi
Pooria Ebrahimi

H-Index: 5

Characterization of ingested MPs and their relation with growth parameters of endemic and invasive fish from a coastal wetland

Science of The Total Environment


Microplastics in abiotic compartments of a hypersaline lacustrine ecosystem

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils around oil refineries; Case study: Erbil and Kirkuk refineries, Iraq-A modelling approach

Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering


Evaluation of the 13 May 2018 frontal dust storm in Shiraz: Stable isotopes signature, source apportionment, and concentration of potentially toxic elements

Aeolian Research


Mohammad Javad Nematollahi
Mohammad Javad Nematollahi

H-Index: 5

Sajjad Abbasi
Sajjad Abbasi

H-Index: 9

Sasan Moravej
Sasan Moravej

H-Index: 2

Effect of land use on microplastic pollution in a major boundary waterway: the Arvand River

Science of the Total Environment


Microplastic occurrence in urban and industrial soils of Ahvaz metropolis: a city with a sustained record of air pollution

Science of The Total Environment


Mohammad Javad Nematollahi
Mohammad Javad Nematollahi

H-Index: 5

Behnam Keshavarzi
Behnam Keshavarzi

H-Index: 28

Farid Moore
Farid Moore

H-Index: 37

Microplastic occurrence in settled indoor dust in schools

Science of the Total Environment


TEST raportu

Building and Environment


Microplastics in the school classrooms of Shiraz, Iran

Building and Environment


Trace elements in the shoreline and seabed sediments of the southern Caspian Sea: investigation of contamination level, distribution, ecological and human health risks, and …

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Hydrogeochemical and ecological risk assessments of trace elements in the coastal surface water of the southern Caspian Sea

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment


Microplastic fibers in the gut of highly consumed fish species from the southern Caspian Sea

Marine Pollution Bulletin


High geogenic arsenic concentrations in travertines and their spring waters: Assessment of the leachability and estimation of ecological and health risks

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Mohammad Javad Nematollahi
Mohammad Javad Nematollahi

H-Index: 5

Correction to: Potentially toxic elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in street dust of Yazd, a central capital city in Iran: contamination level, source …

Environmental Geochemistry and Health


Mohammad Javad Nematollahi
Mohammad Javad Nematollahi

H-Index: 5

Farid Moore
Farid Moore

H-Index: 37

Potentially toxic elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in street dust of Yazd, a central capital city in Iran: contamination level, source identification, and …

Environmental geochemistry and health


Mohammad Javad Nematollahi
Mohammad Javad Nematollahi

H-Index: 5

Farid Moore
Farid Moore

H-Index: 37

Behnam Keshavarzi
Behnam Keshavarzi

H-Index: 28

Microplastic particles in sediments and waters, south of Caspian Sea: Frequency, distribution, characteristics, and chemical composition

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety


Ecological-health risk assessment and bioavailability of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in soil and plant around a copper smelter

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment


See List of Professors in Mohammad Javad Nematollahi University(Shiraz University)

