Mohamed Albaity

Mohamed Albaity

University of Sharjah

H-index: 24

Asia-United Arab Emirates

About Mohamed Albaity

Mohamed Albaity, With an exceptional h-index of 24 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Sharjah, specializes in the field of Banking and Finance.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The puzzle of convex/concave ESG returns and large banks in MENA region countries

Economic growth and the proliferation of ICT infrastructures: which causes the other?

“Trust but verify” financial inclusion in the MENA region

Country risk and bank returns: evidence from MENA countries

Carbon neutrality through supply chain performance: does green innovation matter in Asia?

The COVID-19 pandemic, economic policy uncertainty and the hedging role of cryptocurrencies: a global perspective

The heterogeneous effect of ICT on countries with different levels of ecological degradation and income: A panel quantile approach

Heterogeneity of the MENA region's bank stock returns: Does country risk matter?

Mohamed Albaity Information






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Mohamed Albaity Skills & Research Interests

Banking and Finance

Top articles of Mohamed Albaity

The puzzle of convex/concave ESG returns and large banks in MENA region countries

Borsa Istanbul Review


Ray Saadaoui Mallek
Ray Saadaoui Mallek

H-Index: 2

Mohamed Albaity
Mohamed Albaity

H-Index: 16

Economic growth and the proliferation of ICT infrastructures: which causes the other?

Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja


Atif Awad
Atif Awad

H-Index: 8

Mohamed Albaity
Mohamed Albaity

H-Index: 16

“Trust but verify” financial inclusion in the MENA region

Borsa Istanbul Review


Mohamed Albaity
Mohamed Albaity

H-Index: 16

Country risk and bank returns: evidence from MENA countries

The Journal of Economic Asymmetries


Carbon neutrality through supply chain performance: does green innovation matter in Asia?

Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja


The COVID-19 pandemic, economic policy uncertainty and the hedging role of cryptocurrencies: a global perspective

China Finance Review International


Muhammad Aftab
Muhammad Aftab

H-Index: 5

Mohamed Albaity
Mohamed Albaity

H-Index: 16

The heterogeneous effect of ICT on countries with different levels of ecological degradation and income: A panel quantile approach

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity


Mohamed Albaity
Mohamed Albaity

H-Index: 16

Atif Awad
Atif Awad

H-Index: 8

Heterogeneity of the MENA region's bank stock returns: Does country risk matter?

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity


Mohamed Albaity
Mohamed Albaity

H-Index: 16

Ray Saadaoui Mallek
Ray Saadaoui Mallek

H-Index: 2

Do trust and country governance affect credit growth in GCC countries?

International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management


Banks’ return reaction to freedom, sentiment, and uncertainty

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity


Heterogeneity of investor sentiment, geopolitical risk and economic policy uncertainty: do Islamic banks differ during COVID-19 pandemic?

International Journal of Emerging Markets


Determinants of financial risk tolerance: an analysis of psychological factors

Journal of Risk and Financial Management


Bank return heterogeneity, do governance, sentiment, and uncertainty matter?

Cogent Economics & Finance


Syed Faisal Shah
Syed Faisal Shah

H-Index: 0

Mohamed Albaity
Mohamed Albaity

H-Index: 16

The role of trust, investor sentiment, and uncertainty on bank stock return performance: Evidence from the MENA region

The Journal of Economic Asymmetries


Syed Faisal Shah
Syed Faisal Shah

H-Index: 0

Mohamed Albaity
Mohamed Albaity

H-Index: 16

Bank Credit Growth and Trust: Does Institutional Quality Matter? Evidence from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Asian Development Review


Mohamed Albaity
Mohamed Albaity

H-Index: 16

Ray Saadaoui Mallek
Ray Saadaoui Mallek

H-Index: 2

Herding behaviour heterogeneity under economic and political risks: Evidence from GCC

Economic Analysis and Policy


ICT and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Transmission channels and effects

Telecommunications Policy


Atif Awad
Atif Awad

H-Index: 8

Mohamed Albaity
Mohamed Albaity

H-Index: 16

Financial liberalization and the behavior of reversals in emerging market economies

International Journal of Emerging Markets


Impact of general trust on bank risk-taking: the moderating effect of confidence in banks

Journal of Economic Studies


Mohamed Albaity
Mohamed Albaity

H-Index: 16

Cyclicality of bank credit growth: Conventional vs Islamic banks in the GCC

Economic Systems


See List of Professors in Mohamed Albaity University(University of Sharjah)