Misni Misran

About Misni Misran

Misni Misran, With an exceptional h-index of 27 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiti Malaya, specializes in the field of Colloid Chemistry (Nanoliposome).

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Development of Nanostructured Lipid Carrier-Loaded Flavonoid-Enriched Zingiber officinale

Cholesterol-linoleic acid liposomes induced extracellular vesicles secretion from immortalized adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells for in vitro cell migration

Development and evaluation of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) liposomal gel: rheology and in vitro drug release properties

An efficient and chemical oxidants-free protocol of synthesizing carboxylic acids from aldehydes catalyzed by the betaine-fatty acids ionic liquid derived from vegetable oil

Physicochemical Properties and Release Study of Antimetabolite-Incorporated Stearoyl Chitosan

Modified chitosan-coated liposomes for encapsulation deoxyelephantopin

Bispecific antibodies for targeted delivery of anti-cancer therapeutic agents: a review

ROS-generating alginate-coated gold nanorods as biocompatible nanosonosensitisers for effective sonodynamic therapy of cancer

Misni Misran Information



Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science Building 50603 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Misni Misran Skills & Research Interests

Colloid Chemistry (Nanoliposome)

Top articles of Misni Misran

Development of Nanostructured Lipid Carrier-Loaded Flavonoid-Enriched Zingiber officinale

ACS omega


Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

Cholesterol-linoleic acid liposomes induced extracellular vesicles secretion from immortalized adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells for in vitro cell migration

Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology


Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

Ivy Chung
Ivy Chung

H-Index: 17

Development and evaluation of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) liposomal gel: rheology and in vitro drug release properties

Korea-Australia Rheology Journal


Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

An efficient and chemical oxidants-free protocol of synthesizing carboxylic acids from aldehydes catalyzed by the betaine-fatty acids ionic liquid derived from vegetable oil

Catalysis Today


Physicochemical Properties and Release Study of Antimetabolite-Incorporated Stearoyl Chitosan

ACS omega


Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

Modified chitosan-coated liposomes for encapsulation deoxyelephantopin

AIP Conference Proceedings


Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

Bispecific antibodies for targeted delivery of anti-cancer therapeutic agents: a review


Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

Lip Yong Chung
Lip Yong Chung

H-Index: 25

ROS-generating alginate-coated gold nanorods as biocompatible nanosonosensitisers for effective sonodynamic therapy of cancer

Ultrasonics sonochemistry


Synthesis of N-acyl glycine surfactant from palm oil as green repellent and toxicant to termite (Microcerotermes diversus)

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências


Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

Nanoscaled PAMAM Dendrimer Spacer Improved the Photothermal‒Photodynamic Treatment Efficiency of Photosensitizer‐Decorated Confeito‐Like Gold Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy

Macromolecular Bioscience


The antibacterial activity of zinc oxide nanoparticle-loaded soft contact lens

Current Chemical Biology


Synthesis and physicochemical characterization of Arabic gum microgels modified with methacrylic acid as potential drug carriers

Informacion Tecnologica


Isolation of exosome from the culture medium of Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) C666-1 cells using inertial based Microfluidic channel

Biomedical Microdevices


Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

Poh Foong Lee
Poh Foong Lee

H-Index: 8

A Study of Interaction Between α-Tocopherol Acetate and Fatty Acids Mixed with Polyethoxylated Phospholipid in Langmuir Monolayer at Air-Aqueous Interface

Brazilian Journal of Physics


Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

Chitosan-coated-PLGA nanoparticles enhance the antitumor and antimigration activity of stattic–a STAT3 dimerization blocker

International Journal of Nanomedicine


Optimization and Characterization of Fatty Acid Esters (FAES) Based Nanostructured Lipid Carrier (NLC) by Box-Behnken Analysis

Sains Malaysiana


Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

The rotational effect of magnetic particles on cellular apoptosis based on four electromagnet feedback control system

Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications


PEGylated DPPC/Anti-SNAP25 antibody targeted liposomes from langmuir monolayer study to formulations

Current Chemical Biology


Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

N-Stearoyl Chitosan as a Coating Material for Liposomes Encapsulating Itraconazole

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering


Zahir Hussain
Zahir Hussain

H-Index: 9

Misni Misran
Misni Misran

H-Index: 18

Analysis on efficacy of chitosan-based gel on bone quality and quantity

Frontiers in Materials


See List of Professors in Misni Misran University(Universiti Malaya)