Miriam Rosa

About Miriam Rosa

Miriam Rosa, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, specializes in the field of Social psychology, intergroup relations, minority behavior, corporate mergers.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

NEETs and youth guarantee registration: Examining the link to past undeclared work

Subjective well‐being of NEETs and employability: A study of non‐urban youths in Spain, Italy, and Portugal

How different types of environmentalists are perceived: changing perceptions by the feature

Understanding the Paradoxical Effects of (Environmental) Activists and Their Discourses: When and How are They Penalized for Seeking Change?

Forced to work from home: Division of unpaid work between parents and the relation to job satisfaction

The gender of Retirement in a double-ageing country: perspectives and experiences of retired women and men in Portugal

Do they need us? Linking functional indispensability and voice behavior: The role of psychological ownership, job insecurity and organizational ambidexterity

politics and governance

Miriam Rosa Information



CIS-IUL - Lisbon University Institute



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Miriam Rosa Skills & Research Interests

Social psychology

intergroup relations

minority behavior

corporate mergers

Top articles of Miriam Rosa

NEETs and youth guarantee registration: Examining the link to past undeclared work

Politics and Governance


Subjective well‐being of NEETs and employability: A study of non‐urban youths in Spain, Italy, and Portugal

Politics and Governance


How different types of environmentalists are perceived: changing perceptions by the feature

Frontiers in Psychology


Miriam Rosa
Miriam Rosa

H-Index: 5

Milan Obaidi
Milan Obaidi

H-Index: 8

Understanding the Paradoxical Effects of (Environmental) Activists and Their Discourses: When and How are They Penalized for Seeking Change?

Environmental Communication


Forced to work from home: Division of unpaid work between parents and the relation to job satisfaction

Social Sciences


Maria Helena Santos
Maria Helena Santos

H-Index: 6

Miriam Rosa
Miriam Rosa

H-Index: 5

The gender of Retirement in a double-ageing country: perspectives and experiences of retired women and men in Portugal

Behavioral Sciences


Miriam Rosa
Miriam Rosa

H-Index: 5

Maria Helena Santos
Maria Helena Santos

H-Index: 6

Do they need us? Linking functional indispensability and voice behavior: The role of psychological ownership, job insecurity and organizational ambidexterity

Economic and Industrial Democracy


Ana Patrícia Duarte
Ana Patrícia Duarte

H-Index: 12

Miriam Rosa
Miriam Rosa

H-Index: 5

politics and governance

Political Behavior


Workplace youngism: A scoping review


Workplace ambivalent youngism scale (WAYS): Younger worker prescriptive stereotypes


Assessing Younger Worker Prescriptive Stereotypes: The Workplace Ambivalent Youngism Scale (WAYS)

Academy of Management Proceedings


Miriam Rosa
Miriam Rosa

H-Index: 5

Just chill! An experimental approach to stereotypical attributions regarding young activists

Social Sciences


Miriam Rosa
Miriam Rosa

H-Index: 5

Science-religion dialogue in education: religion teachers’ perceptions in a roman-catholic context

Research in Science Education


Ageism towards younger workers: prescriptive stereotypes among American and Portuguese workers


Gender Equality under Siege: Perceptions and satisfaction of telecommuting women workers with the distribution of unpaid work during the COVID-19 lockdown


Maria Helena Santos
Maria Helena Santos

H-Index: 6

Miriam Rosa
Miriam Rosa

H-Index: 5

The future of the aeronautics: 360º reskilling and upskilling approach

9th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS)


Visitors come to experience science: towards a non-obtrusive evaluation method based on immersive virtual reality

Visitors come to experience science: Towards a non-obtrusive evaluation method based on immersive virtual reality


Exploring the social representations of vulnerable populations being helped

Papers on Social Representations


Miriam Rosa
Miriam Rosa

H-Index: 5

Does she deserve it? The influence of gender and meritocracy in reactions to affirmative action legislation

Social Sciences


Maria Helena Santos
Maria Helena Santos

H-Index: 6

Miriam Rosa
Miriam Rosa

H-Index: 5

Musical control gestures in mobile handheld devices: Design guidelines informed by daily user experience

Multimodal Technologies and Interaction


See List of Professors in Miriam Rosa University(Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)