Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques

About Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques

Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques, With an exceptional h-index of 43 and a recent h-index of 28 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade de São Paulo, specializes in the field of Oceanografia.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Geomorphological features along the shelf of the southern Brazilian margin: Implications for shallow-water sediment transport induced by ocean currents

Lateral shift from turbidite-to contourite-dominated continental slope, a case study from southeast Brazil slope

Living benthic foraminifera from Almirante Câmara and Grussaí canyons and adjacent slope areas (Campos Basin, Southwest Atlantic): Response to trophic and hydrodynamic conditions

Holocene geochronology and sedimentation in the southern Brazil shelf depocenters

Distributions and sources of bulk organic matter from surface sediments along the Southwestern Atlantic Margin

The Plata plume water penetration into the southwestern Atlantic shelf during the Holocene

Deep sea ecosystem exploration and ‘health check’: sampling strategy and methods applied during the iAtlantic_BR10_Petrobras cruise in the Santos Basin, Southwest Atlantic

Considerations on premises of recent (< 120 years) sedimentation rate models with unsupported 210Pb: a study case of sediment cores from mud shelf depocenters

Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques Information



Instituto Oceanográfico da



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Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques

Geomorphological features along the shelf of the southern Brazilian margin: Implications for shallow-water sediment transport induced by ocean currents



Lateral shift from turbidite-to contourite-dominated continental slope, a case study from southeast Brazil slope



Living benthic foraminifera from Almirante Câmara and Grussaí canyons and adjacent slope areas (Campos Basin, Southwest Atlantic): Response to trophic and hydrodynamic conditions

Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers


Holocene geochronology and sedimentation in the southern Brazil shelf depocenters

Regional Studies in Marine Science


Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques
Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques

H-Index: 25

Renata Hanae Nagai
Renata Hanae Nagai

H-Index: 12

Distributions and sources of bulk organic matter from surface sediments along the Southwestern Atlantic Margin

Journal of South American Earth Sciences


The Plata plume water penetration into the southwestern Atlantic shelf during the Holocene

Geo-Marine Letters


Renata Hanae Nagai
Renata Hanae Nagai

H-Index: 12

Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques
Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques

H-Index: 25

Deep sea ecosystem exploration and ‘health check’: sampling strategy and methods applied during the iAtlantic_BR10_Petrobras cruise in the Santos Basin, Southwest Atlantic

Ocean and Coastal Research


Considerations on premises of recent (< 120 years) sedimentation rate models with unsupported 210Pb: a study case of sediment cores from mud shelf depocenters

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry


Submarine basalt xenoliths confirm the occurrence of post-rift volcanism in the Southern Santos Basin, SW Atlantic

Journal of South American Earth Sciences


Glacier retreat effects on the distribution of benthic assemblages in Martel Inlet (Admiralty Bay, Antarctica)

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências


Sortable silt variations on the continental slope of Campos Basin (SW Atlantic): Implications of oceanographic processes

Journal of South American Earth Sciences


Benthic foraminifera as proxies for assessing the effects of a pier marina construction: A case study in the naturally stressed environment of the Saco da Ribeira (Flamengo Bay …

Marine Pollution Bulletin


Assessment of prokaryotic communities in Southwestern Atlantic deep-sea sediments reveals prevalent methanol-oxidising Methylomirabilales

Scientific Reports


Holocene barrier overstepping, estuarine rollover and drainage merging in a sub-tropical bay

Marine Geology


Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques
Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques

H-Index: 25

Andrew Cooper
Andrew Cooper

H-Index: 10

Andrew Green
Andrew Green

H-Index: 21

How inherited topography controls the development of incised valleys on coastal prisms: The case of southeastern Brazil inner continental shelf


Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques
Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques

H-Index: 25

What could form a 35-km lineament of carbonate mounds on the ocean floor?

Marine and Petroleum Geology


Uri Schattner
Uri Schattner

H-Index: 15

Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques
Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques

H-Index: 25

The influence of deep marine circulation on gas-related seafloor morphologies over a salt tectonic domain: Case studies on the continental slope of Santos Basin, southern …


Geochemical characterization and assessment of contamination in mud depocenters from the southern Brazilian shelf

Continental Shelf Research


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a Natural Heritage Estuary influenced by anthropogenic activities in the South Atlantic: Integrating multiple source apportionment approaches

Marine Pollution Bulletin


Bruno Martins Gurgatz
Bruno Martins Gurgatz

H-Index: 2

Renata Hanae Nagai
Renata Hanae Nagai

H-Index: 12

Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques
Michel Michaelovitch De Mahiques

H-Index: 25

Spatial trends in the distribution of natural radioisotopes in the bottom sediments of Santos Basin (Brazil)

Ocean and Coastal Research


See List of Professors in Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques University(Universidade de São Paulo)