Meredith Chaput

Meredith Chaput

Ohio University

H-index: 5

North America-United States

About Meredith Chaput

Meredith Chaput, With an exceptional h-index of 5 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ohio University, specializes in the field of Neuroplasticity after ACL injury.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Combining neurocognitive and functional tests to improve return-to-sport decisions following ACL reconstruction

Cognitive load influences drop jump landing mechanics during cognitive-motor-simulated shooting

Development and Reliability of a Visual-Cognitive Reactive Triple Hop Test

Visual-Cognition and Deafferentation: A Spectrum of Considerations for Rehabilitation From Knee Injuries

Neural correlates of dual-task postural stability following experimentally induced knee joint deafferentation

Cognitive load impairs time to initiate and complete shooting tasks in ROTC members

A multi-systems approach to human movement after ACL reconstruction: the nervous system

Visual cognition associated with knee proprioception, time to stability, and sensory integration neural activity after ACL reconstruction

Meredith Chaput Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Meredith Chaput Skills & Research Interests

Neuroplasticity after ACL injury

Top articles of Meredith Chaput

Combining neurocognitive and functional tests to improve return-to-sport decisions following ACL reconstruction

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy


Dustin R Grooms
Dustin R Grooms

H-Index: 18

Meredith Chaput
Meredith Chaput

H-Index: 1

Cognitive load influences drop jump landing mechanics during cognitive-motor-simulated shooting

Military medicine


Meredith Chaput
Meredith Chaput

H-Index: 1

Dustin R Grooms
Dustin R Grooms

H-Index: 18

Development and Reliability of a Visual-Cognitive Reactive Triple Hop Test

Journal of sport rehabilitation


Visual-Cognition and Deafferentation: A Spectrum of Considerations for Rehabilitation From Knee Injuries


Meredith Chaput
Meredith Chaput

H-Index: 1

Neural correlates of dual-task postural stability following experimentally induced knee joint deafferentation


Meredith Chaput
Meredith Chaput

H-Index: 1

Cognitive load impairs time to initiate and complete shooting tasks in ROTC members

Military Medicine


Meredith Chaput
Meredith Chaput

H-Index: 1

Dustin R Grooms
Dustin R Grooms

H-Index: 18

A multi-systems approach to human movement after ACL reconstruction: the nervous system

International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy


Visual cognition associated with knee proprioception, time to stability, and sensory integration neural activity after ACL reconstruction

Journal of Orthopaedic Research®


Meredith Chaput
Meredith Chaput

H-Index: 1

Dustin R Grooms
Dustin R Grooms

H-Index: 18

Integrating neurocognitive challenges into injury prevention training: a clinical commentary

Physical therapy in sport


Meredith Chaput
Meredith Chaput

H-Index: 1

Dustin R Grooms
Dustin R Grooms

H-Index: 18

Neurocognitive Function Associated With Knee Proprioception And Time To Stability After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: 494

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Meredith Chaput
Meredith Chaput

H-Index: 1

Dustin R Grooms
Dustin R Grooms

H-Index: 18

Knee kinetics in baseball hitting and return to play after ACL reconstruction

International Journal of Sports Medicine


Meredith Chaput
Meredith Chaput

H-Index: 1

James Andrews
James Andrews

H-Index: 1

Quadriceps strength influences patient function more than single leg forward hop during late-stage ACL rehabilitation

International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy


See List of Professors in Meredith Chaput University(Ohio University)