Meng-Yun Lin

Meng-Yun Lin

Wake Forest University

H-index: 16

North America-United States

About Meng-Yun Lin

Meng-Yun Lin, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Wake Forest University, specializes in the field of Accountable Care Organizations, Health Economics, Patient Safety, Health Disparities.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Association between physician–hospital integration and inpatient care delivery in accountable care organizations: An instrumental variable analysis

Medicaid Expansion and Preventable Emergency Department Use by Race/Ethnicity

Disparities by Sex, Race, and Ethnicity in Use of Left Ventricular Assist Devices and Heart Transplants Among Patients With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction

Big data for geriatric oncology research

Patterns of Outpatient IVIG Use before and during the COVID Pandemic in Patients with Multiple Myeloma

Socioeconomic Disadvantage Is Associated with Decreased Long-Term Survival in Adolescent and Young Adult Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion was Associated With Reductions in the Proportion of Hospitalizations That are Potentially Preventable Among Hispanic and White Adults

Medicaid expansion associated with no change in emergency department use across racial and ethnic groups

Meng-Yun Lin Information



Wake Forest School of Medicine, Division of Public Health Sciences



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Meng-Yun Lin Skills & Research Interests

Accountable Care Organizations

Health Economics

Patient Safety

Health Disparities

Top articles of Meng-Yun Lin

Association between physician–hospital integration and inpatient care delivery in accountable care organizations: An instrumental variable analysis

Health Services Research


Medicaid Expansion and Preventable Emergency Department Use by Race/Ethnicity

American Journal of Preventive Medicine


Meng-Yun Lin
Meng-Yun Lin

H-Index: 12

Disparities by Sex, Race, and Ethnicity in Use of Left Ventricular Assist Devices and Heart Transplants Among Patients With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction

Journal of the American Heart Association


Big data for geriatric oncology research

North Carolina Medical Journal


Emilie D Duchesneau
Emilie D Duchesneau

H-Index: 5

Meng-Yun Lin
Meng-Yun Lin

H-Index: 12

Patterns of Outpatient IVIG Use before and during the COVID Pandemic in Patients with Multiple Myeloma



Meng-Yun Lin
Meng-Yun Lin

H-Index: 12

Socioeconomic Disadvantage Is Associated with Decreased Long-Term Survival in Adolescent and Young Adult Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia



Meng-Yun Lin
Meng-Yun Lin

H-Index: 12

Amresh Hanchate
Amresh Hanchate

H-Index: 22

Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion was Associated With Reductions in the Proportion of Hospitalizations That are Potentially Preventable Among Hispanic and White Adults

Medical care


Meng-Yun Lin
Meng-Yun Lin

H-Index: 12

Medicaid expansion associated with no change in emergency department use across racial and ethnic groups

Health Services Research


Safety‐net hospital performance under Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement

Health Services Research


Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on diabetes care among a North Carolina patient population

Clinical Diabetes


Bayesian statistics

Statistical Foundations, Reasoning and Inference: For Science and Data Science


Five-year trends in pediatric mental health emergency department visits in Massachusetts: a population-based cohort study

The Journal of Pediatrics


Meng-Yun Lin
Meng-Yun Lin

H-Index: 12

Jihye Kim
Jihye Kim

H-Index: 8

Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions and Use of Hospice Care Among Cancer Patients

2022 Annual Research Meeting


Differences in patient outcomes after outpatient GI endoscopy across settings: a statewide matched cohort study

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy


Meng-Yun Lin
Meng-Yun Lin

H-Index: 12

Jacqueline Ellison
Jacqueline Ellison

H-Index: 3

Readmissions performance and penalty experience of safety-net hospitals under Medicare’s Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program

BMC Health Services Research


Souvik Banerjee
Souvik Banerjee

H-Index: 2

Meng-Yun Lin
Meng-Yun Lin

H-Index: 12

Abstract MP11: Impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) pandemic on diabetes care among a North Carolina patient population



Association between Medicare’s Hospital Readmission Reduction Program and readmission rates across hospitals by medicare bed share

BMC Health Services Research


Examination of elective bariatric surgery rates before and after US affordable care act medicaid expansion

JAMA Health Forum


Limited English proficient patient visits and emergency department admission rates for ambulatory care sensitive conditions in California: a retrospective cohort study

Journal of General Internal Medicine


Meng-Yun Lin
Meng-Yun Lin

H-Index: 12

Changes in hospitalizations at US safety-net hospitals following medicaid expansion

JAMA Network Open


Meng-Yun Lin
Meng-Yun Lin

H-Index: 12

Amresh Hanchate
Amresh Hanchate

H-Index: 22

See List of Professors in Meng-Yun Lin University(Wake Forest University)