Melissa De Iuliis

About Melissa De Iuliis

Melissa De Iuliis, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Politecnico di Torino, specializes in the field of Resilience, Recovery time, Seismic Engineering, Downtime, Risk assessment.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Resilience and safety of civil engineering systems and communities: A bibliometric analysis for mapping the state-of-the-art

On the combined use of satellite and on-site information for monitoring anomalous trends in structures within cultural heritage sites

Fuzzy-based approach to quantify the downtime of buildings in developing countries

Ambient Vibration Prediction of a Cable-Stayed Bridge by an Artificial Neural Network

Large scale simulation of pedestrian seismic evacuation including panic behavior

Damage detection with image processing: A comparative study

A survey-based approach to estimating the downtime of buildings damaged by flood in developing countries

State-of-the-Art of Resilience Using Bibliometric Analysis

Melissa De Iuliis Information



PhD student



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Melissa De Iuliis Skills & Research Interests


Recovery time

Seismic Engineering


Risk assessment

Top articles of Melissa De Iuliis

Resilience and safety of civil engineering systems and communities: A bibliometric analysis for mapping the state-of-the-art


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Alessandro Cardoni
Alessandro Cardoni

H-Index: 2

On the combined use of satellite and on-site information for monitoring anomalous trends in structures within cultural heritage sites

Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Vincenzo Gattulli
Vincenzo Gattulli

H-Index: 21

Fuzzy-based approach to quantify the downtime of buildings in developing countries

Resilient Cities and Structures


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Mohammad Khanmohammadi
Mohammad Khanmohammadi

H-Index: 10

Ambient Vibration Prediction of a Cable-Stayed Bridge by an Artificial Neural Network


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Vincenzo Gattulli
Vincenzo Gattulli

H-Index: 21

Large scale simulation of pedestrian seismic evacuation including panic behavior

Sustainable Cities and Society


Damage detection with image processing: A comparative study

Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Vincenzo Gattulli
Vincenzo Gattulli

H-Index: 21

A survey-based approach to estimating the downtime of buildings damaged by flood in developing countries


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

State-of-the-Art of Resilience Using Bibliometric Analysis


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Alessandro Cardoni
Alessandro Cardoni

H-Index: 2

Measuring and improving community resilience: A fuzzy logic approach

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Omar Kammouh
Omar Kammouh

H-Index: 11

Expert-Based Systems for Estimating the Resilience of Communities


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Resilience Assessment at the State Level Using the Sendai Framework


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Omar Kammouh
Omar Kammouh

H-Index: 11

Fire emergency evacuation from a school building using an evolutionary virtual reality platform


Neodeterministic method to assess the seismic performance of water distribution networks


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Sebastiano Marasco
Sebastiano Marasco

H-Index: 5

Quantifying restoration time of pipelines after earthquakes: Comparison of Bayesian belief networks and fuzzy models

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Omar Kammouh
Omar Kammouh

H-Index: 11

Laboratory investigation of digital image correlation techniques for structural assessment


Marco Domaneschi
Marco Domaneschi

H-Index: 16

Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Quantifying restoration time of power and telecommunication lifelines after earthquakes using Bayesian belief network model

Reliability Engineering & System Safety


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Omar Kammouh
Omar Kammouh

H-Index: 11

Downtime Estimation of Buildings and Infrastructures Using Fuzzy Logic


Melissa De Iuliis
Melissa De Iuliis

H-Index: 2

Marco Domaneschi
Marco Domaneschi

H-Index: 16

See List of Professors in Melissa De Iuliis University(Politecnico di Torino)