Mehmet Akif Bülbül

About Mehmet Akif Bülbül

Mehmet Akif Bülbül, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Hitit Üniversitesi,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Beton Basınç Dayanımı Tahmini için Özellik Mühendisliği ve Makine Öğrenimi Tabanlı Hibrit Bir Yaklaşım

Optimization of artificial neural network structure and hyperparameters in hybrid model by genetic algorithm: iOS–android application for breast cancer diagnosis/prediction

Feature Selection and Hyperparameters Optimization Employing a Hybrid Model Based on Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network: Forecasting Dividend Payout Ratio

Determination of natural fundamental period of minarets by using artificial neural network and assess the impact of different materials on their seismic vulnerability

Kuru fasulye tohumlarının çok sınıflı sınıflandırılması için hibrit bir yaklaşım

A hybrid artificial neural network—Particle swarm optimization algorithm model for the determination of target displacements in mid-rise regular reinforced-concrete buildings

Optimization of Climatic Conditions Affecting Determination of the Amount of Water Needed by Plants in Relation to Their Life Cycle with Particle Swarm Optimization, and …

Performance of different membership functions in stress classification with fuzzy logic

Mehmet Akif Bülbül Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Mehmet Akif Bülbül

Beton Basınç Dayanımı Tahmini için Özellik Mühendisliği ve Makine Öğrenimi Tabanlı Hibrit Bir Yaklaşım

Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi


Mehmet Akif Bülbül
Mehmet Akif Bülbül

H-Index: 3

Optimization of artificial neural network structure and hyperparameters in hybrid model by genetic algorithm: iOS–android application for breast cancer diagnosis/prediction

Handbook of Optimization: From Classical to Modern Approach


Feature Selection and Hyperparameters Optimization Employing a Hybrid Model Based on Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network: Forecasting Dividend Payout Ratio

Computational Economics


Fatih Konak
Fatih Konak

H-Index: 7

Mehmet Akif Bülbül
Mehmet Akif Bülbül

H-Index: 3

Determination of natural fundamental period of minarets by using artificial neural network and assess the impact of different materials on their seismic vulnerability

Applied Sciences


Kuru fasulye tohumlarının çok sınıflı sınıflandırılması için hibrit bir yaklaşım

Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology


Mehmet Akif Bülbül
Mehmet Akif Bülbül

H-Index: 3

A hybrid artificial neural network—Particle swarm optimization algorithm model for the determination of target displacements in mid-rise regular reinforced-concrete buildings



Mehmet Akif Bülbül
Mehmet Akif Bülbül

H-Index: 3

Ercan Işık
Ercan Işık

H-Index: 11

Dorin Radu
Dorin Radu

H-Index: 5

Optimization of Climatic Conditions Affecting Determination of the Amount of Water Needed by Plants in Relation to Their Life Cycle with Particle Swarm Optimization, and …

The Computer Journal


Mehmet Akif Bülbül
Mehmet Akif Bülbül

H-Index: 3

Performance of different membership functions in stress classification with fuzzy logic

Bitlis Eren University Journal of Science and Technology


Mehmet Akif Bülbül
Mehmet Akif Bülbül

H-Index: 3

A hybrid ANN-GA model for an automated rapid vulnerability assessment of existing RC buildings

Applied Sciences


Mehmet Akif Bülbül
Mehmet Akif Bülbül

H-Index: 3

Ercan Işık
Ercan Işık

H-Index: 11

Optimization, modeling and implementation of plant water consumption control using genetic algorithm and artificial neural network in a hybrid structure

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering


Mehmet Akif Bülbül
Mehmet Akif Bülbül

H-Index: 3

See List of Professors in Mehmet Akif Bülbül University(Hitit Üniversitesi)