Massimo Rolle

About Massimo Rolle

Massimo Rolle, With an exceptional h-index of 43 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, specializes in the field of Groundwater Quality, Transport in Groundwater, Mixing in Porous Media, Isotopic Signatures of Organic Contaminants.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Impact of variable water chemistry on PFOS-goethite interactions under batch and flow-through conditions: experimental evidence and reactive transport modeling

Effect of Local Dispersion on Mixing Enhancement when Applying an Engineered Injection and Extraction System: Laboratory and Model-based Evidence

Temperature-dependent dynamics of electrokinetic conservative and reactive transport in porous media: A model-based analysis

Relevance of charge interactions for contaminant transport in heterogeneous formations: a stochastic analysis

Evolution of plume geometry, dilution and reactive mixing in porous media under highly transient flow fields at the surface water-groundwater interface

Diffusive‐Dispersive Isotope Fractionation of Chlorinated Ethenes in Groundwater: The Key Role of Incomplete Mixing and Its Multi‐Scale Effects

Impact of variable density on electrokinetic transport and mixing in porous media

Oxidative dissolution of arsenic-bearing sulfide minerals in groundwater: Impact of hydrochemical and hydrodynamic conditions on arsenic release and surface evolution

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Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Massimo Rolle Skills & Research Interests

Groundwater Quality

Transport in Groundwater

Mixing in Porous Media

Isotopic Signatures of Organic Contaminants

Top articles of Massimo Rolle

Impact of variable water chemistry on PFOS-goethite interactions under batch and flow-through conditions: experimental evidence and reactive transport modeling

Environmental Science & Technology


Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Effect of Local Dispersion on Mixing Enhancement when Applying an Engineered Injection and Extraction System: Laboratory and Model-based Evidence


Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Gabriele Chiogna
Gabriele Chiogna

H-Index: 25

Temperature-dependent dynamics of electrokinetic conservative and reactive transport in porous media: A model-based analysis

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology


Relevance of charge interactions for contaminant transport in heterogeneous formations: a stochastic analysis

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment


Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Evolution of plume geometry, dilution and reactive mixing in porous media under highly transient flow fields at the surface water-groundwater interface

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology


Diffusive‐Dispersive Isotope Fractionation of Chlorinated Ethenes in Groundwater: The Key Role of Incomplete Mixing and Its Multi‐Scale Effects

Water Resources Research


Biao Jin
Biao Jin

H-Index: 11

Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Impact of variable density on electrokinetic transport and mixing in porous media

Advances in Water Resources


Oxidative dissolution of arsenic-bearing sulfide minerals in groundwater: Impact of hydrochemical and hydrodynamic conditions on arsenic release and surface evolution

Environmental science & technology


Maria Battistel
Maria Battistel

H-Index: 6

Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Surface complexation reactions in sandy porous media: Effects of incomplete mixing and mass-transfer limitations in flow-through systems

Journal of contaminant hydrology


Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Linking mixing and flow topology in porous media: An experimental proof

Physical Review E


Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Gabriele Chiogna
Gabriele Chiogna

H-Index: 25

Dimensionality effects on multicomponent ionic transport and surface complexation in porous media

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Mapping groundwater vulnerability to pesticide contamination through fractured clays: CLAYFRAC


Klaus Mosthaf
Klaus Mosthaf

H-Index: 10

Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Impact of solute charge and diffusion coefficient on electromigration and mixing in porous media

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology


Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Riccardo Sprocati
Riccardo Sprocati

H-Index: 4

Electrokinetic delivery of permanganate in clay inclusions for targeted contaminant degradation

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology


A modeling approach for electrokinetic transport in double-porosity media

Electrochimica Acta


Coupling soil/atmosphere interactions and geochemical processes: A multiphase and multicomponent reactive transport approach

Advances in Water Resources


Multicomponent ionic transport and surface complexation in porous media: Multidimensional experiments and reactive transport modeling

2022 Goldschmidt Conference


Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Oxygen Propagation Fronts in Porous Media Under Evaporative Conditions at the Soil/Atmosphere Interface: Lab‐Scale Experiments and Model‐Based Interpretation

Water Resources Research


Klaus Mosthaf
Klaus Mosthaf

H-Index: 10

Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

Multicomponent transport and geochemical reactions under evaporative conditions at the soil/atmosphere interface

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Maria Battistel
Maria Battistel

H-Index: 6

Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

On the interplay between electromigration and electroosmosis during electrokinetic transport in heterogeneous porous media

Water Research


Riccardo Sprocati
Riccardo Sprocati

H-Index: 4

Massimo Rolle
Massimo Rolle

H-Index: 28

See List of Professors in Massimo Rolle University(Danmarks Tekniske Universitet)