Masaya Koshizaka

About Masaya Koshizaka

Masaya Koshizaka, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Chiba University,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Sodium‐glucose co‐transporter 2 inhibitor therapy reduces the administration frequency of anti‐vascular endothelial growth factor agents in patients with diabetic macular …

Sex differences in symptom presentation and their impact on diagnostic accuracy in Werner syndrome

Metabolomic analysis of serum samples from a clinical study on ipragliflozin and metformin treatment in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes: Exploring human metabolites …

Imeglimin‐mediated glycemic control in maternally inherited deafness and diabetes

Senescence-associated inflammation and inhibition of adipogenesis in subcutaneous fat in Werner syndrome

Urinary α1 microglobulin level is useful for selecting sodium-glucose transporter 2 inhibitor or metformin for visceral fat reduction in patients with type 2 diabetes

Weight loss improves inflammation by T helper 17 cells in an obese patient with psoriasis at high risk for cardiovascular events

Renal dysfunction, malignant neoplasms, atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases, and sarcopenia as key outcomes observed in a three-year follow-up study using the Werner …

Masaya Koshizaka Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Masaya Koshizaka

Sodium‐glucose co‐transporter 2 inhibitor therapy reduces the administration frequency of anti‐vascular endothelial growth factor agents in patients with diabetic macular …

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism


Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Sex differences in symptom presentation and their impact on diagnostic accuracy in Werner syndrome

Geriatrics & Gerontology International


Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Hisaya Kato
Hisaya Kato

H-Index: 3

Metabolomic analysis of serum samples from a clinical study on ipragliflozin and metformin treatment in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes: Exploring human metabolites …

Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy


Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Imeglimin‐mediated glycemic control in maternally inherited deafness and diabetes

Journal of Diabetes Investigation


Yuta Kuroda
Yuta Kuroda

H-Index: 1

Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Senescence-associated inflammation and inhibition of adipogenesis in subcutaneous fat in Werner syndrome

Aging (Albany NY)


Hisaya Kato
Hisaya Kato

H-Index: 3

Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Urinary α1 microglobulin level is useful for selecting sodium-glucose transporter 2 inhibitor or metformin for visceral fat reduction in patients with type 2 diabetes

Diabetes, obesity & metabolism


Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Hisaya Kato
Hisaya Kato

H-Index: 3

Weight loss improves inflammation by T helper 17 cells in an obese patient with psoriasis at high risk for cardiovascular events

Journal of Diabetes Investigation


Hisaya Kato
Hisaya Kato

H-Index: 3

Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Renal dysfunction, malignant neoplasms, atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases, and sarcopenia as key outcomes observed in a three-year follow-up study using the Werner …

Aging (Albany NY)


Association of high proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 antibody level with poor prognosis in patients with diabetes: a prospective study

Scientific Reports


Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Tomohiko Yoshida
Tomohiko Yoshida

H-Index: 2

Case of Werner syndrome with significant improvement of refractory skin ulcer despite fibroblast cellular senescence

Geriatrics & gerontology international


Hisaya Kato
Hisaya Kato

H-Index: 3

Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Quality of life in Werner syndrome and associated subjective foot/ankle symptoms: A cross‐sectional survey

Geriatrics & Gerontology International


Ayumi Amemiya
Ayumi Amemiya

H-Index: 7

Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Antihypertensive Effects of Esaxerenone in Older Patients with Primary Aldosteronism

International Journal of Hypertension


Masanori Fujimoto
Masanori Fujimoto

H-Index: 12

Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

High proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 antibody level is associated with poor prognosis in patients with diabetes: A Prospective cross-sectional study


Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

23-OR: Loss of the Transcription Factor Tcf21 in Adult Podocytes Leads to Susceptibility in Diabetic Kidney Disease



Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

469-P: Sodium–Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors Decrease the Frequency of Antivascular Endothelial Growth Factor Agent Injection in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Complicated …



Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

147-OR: Glucose Intolerance of Hereditary Progeria Werner Syndrome and Cellular Senescence in Their Adipose Tissue



Hisaya Kato
Hisaya Kato

H-Index: 3

Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibitors Reduce Macular Edema in Patients with Diabetes mellitus



Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

A high prevalence of myeloid malignancies in progeria with Werner syndrome is associated with p53 insufficiency

Experimental Hematology


Clinical and basic biology of werner syndrome, the model disease of human aging


Masaya Koshizaka
Masaya Koshizaka

H-Index: 11

Hisaya Kato
Hisaya Kato

H-Index: 3

Rothmund‐Thomson syndrome investigated by two nationwide surveys in Japan

Pediatrics International


See List of Professors in Masaya Koshizaka University(Chiba University)