Maryam Moeeni

About Maryam Moeeni

Maryam Moeeni, With an exceptional h-index of 9 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Hesitancy among Iranian nursing students regarding future career trajectory: a qualitative analysis

Factors Affecting Inequality in the Quality Diets: A Scoping Review

Male patients’ preferences for opioid use treatment programs

Women’s willingness to pay for mammography screening under two medical information scenarios

To what extent has the Iranian Health Transformation Plan addressed inequality in healthcare financing in Iran?

Correlates of Demand for Basic Dental Services in Iranian Households

“To enroll or not to enroll”: a qualitative study on preferences for dental insurance in Iran

Household Valuation for Proposed Pediatric Dental Insurance Packages in Isfahan, Iran

Maryam Moeeni Information



Health Economist



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Top articles of Maryam Moeeni

Hesitancy among Iranian nursing students regarding future career trajectory: a qualitative analysis

Human Resources for Health


Koen Ponnet
Koen Ponnet

H-Index: 35

Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

Factors Affecting Inequality in the Quality Diets: A Scoping Review


Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

Behzad Najafi
Behzad Najafi

H-Index: 18

Male patients’ preferences for opioid use treatment programs

BMC psychiatry


Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

Koen Ponnet
Koen Ponnet

H-Index: 35

Women’s willingness to pay for mammography screening under two medical information scenarios

European Journal of Cancer Care


Mahmood Yousefi
Mahmood Yousefi

H-Index: 8

Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

To what extent has the Iranian Health Transformation Plan addressed inequality in healthcare financing in Iran?

International Journal for Equity in Health


Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

Koen Ponnet
Koen Ponnet

H-Index: 35

Correlates of Demand for Basic Dental Services in Iranian Households

Journal of Isfahan Dental School


Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

“To enroll or not to enroll”: a qualitative study on preferences for dental insurance in Iran

BMC Health Services Research


Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

Household Valuation for Proposed Pediatric Dental Insurance Packages in Isfahan, Iran

Iranian Journal of Health Insurance


Faezeh Eslamipour
Faezeh Eslamipour

H-Index: 13

Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

How the Iranian Health Transformation Plan has changed inequality in healthcare financing in Iran?


Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

Koen Ponnet
Koen Ponnet

H-Index: 35

Priority setting in cardiovascular research in Iran using standard indigenous methods

Journal of Research in Medical Sciences


Investigating Socio-economic Factors Affecting the Health Expendiures of Households in East Azarbayjan Province-the Heckman Regression Model


Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

Factors Related to the utilization of in-patients health services in Iran: application of Andersen’s Behavioral Model of health services use

Iranian Journal of Health Insurance


Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

Inequality in dental care expenditure in Iranian households: analysis of income quintiles and educational levels

BMC Oral Health


Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

Willingness to pay for breast cancer screening by providing basic and more complete information


Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

Mahmood Yousefi
Mahmood Yousefi

H-Index: 8

The Impact of Intra-household Bargaining Game on Progression to Third Birth in Iran

Journal of Family and Economic Issues


Shahram Moeeni
Shahram Moeeni

H-Index: 2

Maryam Moeeni
Maryam Moeeni

H-Index: 8

Construction and examination of an early childhood development composite index: Evidence from Iran's multiple indicator demographic and health survey

International Journal of Preventive Medicine


Redemption from plight: a qualitative study on reasons behind treatment decisions among Iranian male opioid users

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy


See List of Professors in Maryam Moeeni University(Isfahan University of Medical Sciences)