Maryam Kouchaki

About Maryam Kouchaki

Maryam Kouchaki, With an exceptional h-index of 24 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at North Western University, specializes in the field of Ethics, Morality, Diversity.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

How Much Inequity Do You See? Structural Power, Perceptions of Gender and Racial Inequity, and Support for Diversity Initiatives

Economic inequality reduces sense of control and increases the acceptability of self-interested unethical behavior.

The More the Merrier: How Psychological Standing and Work Group Size Explain Managers’ Willingness to Communicate About Unethical Conduct in Their Work Group

Giving-by-proxy triggers subsequent charitable behavior

Authentic first impressions relate to interpersonal, social, and entrepreneurial success

Aid utility theory: A new way of thinking about and tackling aid utilization neglect

A Call to Maximize the Social Impact of Our Research: An Effective Altruism Approach

Toward more diverse, generalizable organizational research: Preface to editorial by Pitesa and Gelfand

Maryam Kouchaki Information



Associate Professor Kellogg School of Management



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Top articles of Maryam Kouchaki

How Much Inequity Do You See? Structural Power, Perceptions of Gender and Racial Inequity, and Support for Diversity Initiatives

Academy of Management Journal


Christopher To
Christopher To

H-Index: 3

Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Economic inequality reduces sense of control and increases the acceptability of self-interested unethical behavior.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General


The More the Merrier: How Psychological Standing and Work Group Size Explain Managers’ Willingness to Communicate About Unethical Conduct in Their Work Group

Journal of Business Ethics


Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Giving-by-proxy triggers subsequent charitable behavior

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology


Samantha Kassirer
Samantha Kassirer

H-Index: 2

Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Authentic first impressions relate to interpersonal, social, and entrepreneurial success

Social Psychological and Personality Science


Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Aid utility theory: A new way of thinking about and tackling aid utilization neglect

Research in Organizational Behavior


Samantha Kassirer
Samantha Kassirer

H-Index: 2

Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

A Call to Maximize the Social Impact of Our Research: An Effective Altruism Approach

Academy of Management Perspectives


Samantha Kassirer
Samantha Kassirer

H-Index: 2

Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Toward more diverse, generalizable organizational research: Preface to editorial by Pitesa and Gelfand


Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Fostering perceptions of authenticity via sensitive self-disclosure.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied


Li Jiang
Li Jiang

H-Index: 4

Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Toward a more inclusive academic community: Preface to Holmes et al. editorial


Keith Leavitt
Keith Leavitt

H-Index: 14

Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Unexpected employee location is associated with injury during robberies

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Nir Halevy
Nir Halevy

H-Index: 26

Fragile or robust? Differential effects of gender threats in the workplace among men and women

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes


Keith Leavitt
Keith Leavitt

H-Index: 14

Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Virtuous Startups: The Credentialing Power of the Startup Label

Academy of Management Discoveries


Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Adam Waytz
Adam Waytz

H-Index: 36

Building an Ethical Company: Create an organization that helps employees behave more honorably

Harvard Business Review


Ambivalent bosses: An examination of supervisor expressed emotional ambivalence on subordinate task engagement

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes


The Price Leaders Pay for Cutting Ethical Corners

MIT Sloan Management Review


Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

“Many others are doing it, so why shouldn't I?”: How being in larger competitions leads to more cheating

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes


Celia Chui
Celia Chui

H-Index: 2

Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

You will not remember this: How memory efficacy influences virtuous behavior

Journal of Consumer Research


Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

I Own, So I Help Out: How Psychological Ownership Increases Prosocial Behavior

Journal of Consumer Research


Ata Jami
Ata Jami

H-Index: 4

Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

Virtuous Victims

Science Advances


Maryam Kouchaki
Maryam Kouchaki

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Maryam Kouchaki University(North Western University)