Martina Carrete

About Martina Carrete

Martina Carrete, With an exceptional h-index of 60 and a recent h-index of 42 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad Pablo de Olavide, specializes in the field of Conservation Biology, Biological Invasions.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The widespread keeping of wild pets in the Neotropics: An overlooked risk for human, livestock and wildlife health

Fine-scale collision risk mapping and validation with long-term mortality data reveal current and future wind energy development impact on sensitive species

Birds and people: from conflict to coexistence

Nestling sex ratio is unaffected by individual and population traits in the griffon vulture

Author Correction: Heritability of fear of humans in urban and rural populations of a bird species

Author Correction: Personality-dependent breeding dispersal in rural but not urban burrowing owls

Author Correction: Urban conservation hotspots: predation release allows the grassland-specialist burrowing owl to perform better in the city

Correction: A protective nesting association with native species counteracts biotic resistance for the spread of an invasive parakeet from urban into rural habitats

Martina Carrete Information



Professor Ecology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Martina Carrete Skills & Research Interests

Conservation Biology

Biological Invasions

Top articles of Martina Carrete

The widespread keeping of wild pets in the Neotropics: An overlooked risk for human, livestock and wildlife health

People and Nature


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Fine-scale collision risk mapping and validation with long-term mortality data reveal current and future wind energy development impact on sensitive species

Environmental Impact Assessment Review


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Juan Manuel Pérez-García
Juan Manuel Pérez-García

H-Index: 13

Birds and people: from conflict to coexistence


Nils Bunnefeld
Nils Bunnefeld

H-Index: 28

Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Nestling sex ratio is unaffected by individual and population traits in the griffon vulture

Current Zoology


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Author Correction: Heritability of fear of humans in urban and rural populations of a bird species

Scientific Reports


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Antonio Palma
Antonio Palma

H-Index: 27

Author Correction: Personality-dependent breeding dispersal in rural but not urban burrowing owls

Scientific Reports


Antonio Palma
Antonio Palma

H-Index: 27

Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Author Correction: Urban conservation hotspots: predation release allows the grassland-specialist burrowing owl to perform better in the city

Scientific Reports


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Correction: A protective nesting association with native species counteracts biotic resistance for the spread of an invasive parakeet from urban into rural habitats

Frontiers in Zoology


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Oral disease is linked to low nestling condition and brood size in a raptor species living in a highly modified environment

Current Zoology


Aida Pitarch
Aida Pitarch

H-Index: 11

Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Informe final del escaneo de horizonte sobre futuras especies exóticas invasoras en España


Large‐scale movement patterns in a social vulture are influenced by seasonality, sex, and breeding region

Ecology and evolution


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Supplementary materials. Nestling sex ratio is unaffected by individual and population traits in the griffon vultur


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Large-scale movement patterns in a social vulture are influenced by seasonality, sex, and breeding region [Dataset]


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

A long-lasting, distant journey of a male griffon vulture informs on the success of differential parental investment



Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Correction: Sex, personality and conspecific density influence natal dispersal with lifetime fitness consequences in urban and rural burrowing owls

Plos one


Antonio Palma
Antonio Palma

H-Index: 27

Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Identification of potential invasive alien species in Spain through horizon scanning

Journal of Environmental Management


Nesting innovations in neotropical parrots associated to anthropogenic environmental changes

Ecology and Evolution


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Insularity determines nestling sex ratio variation in Egyptian vulture populations

Ecology and Evolution


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Laura Gangoso
Laura Gangoso

H-Index: 16

Poaching sources and trade routes in Peru and Ecuador warn of the unsustainable rural demand for preferred parrot species

Conservation Science and Practice


Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

Intraspecific competition and individual behaviour but not urbanization affect the dietary patterns of a generalist avian predator

Scientific Reports


Antonio Palma
Antonio Palma

H-Index: 27

Martina Carrete
Martina Carrete

H-Index: 37

See List of Professors in Martina Carrete University(Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

