Marina Vranić

About Marina Vranić

Marina Vranić, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Sveucilište u Zagrebu, specializes in the field of gospodarenje travnjacima, ekologija travnjaka, konzerviranje krme, hranjivost krme.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Effect of Dietary Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic Fatty Acid Supplementation during the Last Month of Gestation on Fatty Acid Metabolism and Oxidative Status in Charolais …

Farmyard manure and slurry application on grasslands

Primjena stajskih gnojiva na travnjacima

Utjecaj djelomične zamjene mljevenog zrna kukuruza sirutkom u prahu na kvalitetu obroka baziranog na različitim vrstama voluminozne krme u hranidbi kastriranih ovnova

Effect of a partial replacement of ground corn grain with dried whey on the quality of the ration based on different forage species in wether sheep

The forage quality of indigenious semi-natural pasture as affected by nitrogen fertilization

The effect of sward suppression and the red clover sowing rate on the success of grassland renovation in the sowing year

The effect of nitrogen fertilization on the digestibility and metabolic energy content of forage from indigenious semi-natural pasture.

Marina Vranić Information



Profesor biotehničkih znanosti



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Marina Vranić Skills & Research Interests

gospodarenje travnjacima

ekologija travnjaka

konzerviranje krme

hranjivost krme

Top articles of Marina Vranić

Effect of Dietary Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic Fatty Acid Supplementation during the Last Month of Gestation on Fatty Acid Metabolism and Oxidative Status in Charolais …



Diana Brozić
Diana Brozić

H-Index: 6

Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

Farmyard manure and slurry application on grasslands

Glasnik Zaštite Bilja


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

Primjena stajskih gnojiva na travnjacima

Glasnik Zaštite Bilja


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

Utjecaj djelomične zamjene mljevenog zrna kukuruza sirutkom u prahu na kvalitetu obroka baziranog na različitim vrstama voluminozne krme u hranidbi kastriranih ovnova

Journal of Central European Agriculture


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

Effect of a partial replacement of ground corn grain with dried whey on the quality of the ration based on different forage species in wether sheep

Journal of Central European Agriculture


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

The forage quality of indigenious semi-natural pasture as affected by nitrogen fertilization


The effect of sward suppression and the red clover sowing rate on the success of grassland renovation in the sowing year


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

The effect of nitrogen fertilization on the digestibility and metabolic energy content of forage from indigenious semi-natural pasture.


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

Modeling tennis matches using Monte Carlo simulations incorporating dynamic parameters


Yield and quality of clover-grass mixture of red clover and orchardgrass in different agroecological conditions.


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

Darko Uher
Darko Uher

H-Index: 4

The effect of term of farm yard manure application on the forage quality of seminatural grassland.


Yields of grass species for large game in the Eu-Mediterranean zone of the North Adriatic.


Quality of corn silages produced in the Sisak-Moslavina County

Krmiva: Časopis o hranidbi životinja, proizvodnji i tehnologiji krme


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

Kvaliteta silaža kukuruza u Sisačko-moslavačkoj županiji

Krmiva: Časopis o hranidbi životinja, proizvodnji i tehnologiji krme


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

The effect of partial replacement of maize with dried why on N balance from a diet based on alfalfa haylage in wether sheep.


The Effect of Semi-Natural Grassland Cutting Height on the Nutritive Value of Fermented Forage

Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus


Utjecaj polimorfizama gena FASN i DGAT1 na sastav masnih kiselina u kolostrumu i mlijeka krava Charolais pasmine te prirast njihove teladi

Veterinarski arhiv


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

The effects of FASN and DGAT1 gene polymorphism on colostrum and milk fatty acid composition of Charolais cows and growth in Charolais calves

Veterinarski arhiv


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

The effect of whey supplementation on the chemical composition of fermented forage

Stočarstvo: Časopis za unapređenje stočarstva


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

Utjecaj zrelosti i visine košnje usjeva kukuruza za siliranje na proizvodne karakteristike mliječnih krava i junadi u tovu

Stočarstvo: Časopis za unapređenje stočarstva


Marina Vranić
Marina Vranić

H-Index: 6

See List of Professors in Marina Vranić University(Sveucilište u Zagrebu)