Marijke Huysmans

About Marijke Huysmans

Marijke Huysmans, With an exceptional h-index of 28 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, specializes in the field of Hydrogeology, geostatistics, groundwater modelling, water management, geothermal energy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Enhancing groundwater recharge in drinking water protection zones in Flanders (Belgium): A novel approach to assess stormwater managed aquifer recharge potential

Enhancing groundwater recharge in face of hydrological extremes: assessment of stormwater managed aquifer recharge potential in Flemish drinking water protection zones (Belgium)

Evaluating Aquifer Storage and Recovery Potential in the Cretaceous Aquifer: A Case Study of the Blue Horizon Limburg within the NATALIE Project

Monitoring of the thermal plume around a thermally activated borehole heat exchanger and characterization of the ground hydro-geothermal parameters

Hoe blijven we boven water?: Op zoek naar oplossingen in de geteisterde Westhoek

of Bruno Stuyts

Making water models more inclusive and interdisciplinary to underpin sustainable development

How PostgreSQL and QField Cloud can streamline data collection and improve data security: experience from a collaborative, interdisciplinary water reuse project in Flanders …

Marijke Huysmans Information



Vrije Universiteit Brussel /



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Marijke Huysmans Skills & Research Interests



groundwater modelling

water management

geothermal energy

Top articles of Marijke Huysmans

Enhancing groundwater recharge in drinking water protection zones in Flanders (Belgium): A novel approach to assess stormwater managed aquifer recharge potential

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Enhancing groundwater recharge in face of hydrological extremes: assessment of stormwater managed aquifer recharge potential in Flemish drinking water protection zones (Belgium)


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Evaluating Aquifer Storage and Recovery Potential in the Cretaceous Aquifer: A Case Study of the Blue Horizon Limburg within the NATALIE Project


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Monitoring of the thermal plume around a thermally activated borehole heat exchanger and characterization of the ground hydro-geothermal parameters

Renewable Energy


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Pierre Gerard
Pierre Gerard

H-Index: 10

Hoe blijven we boven water?: Op zoek naar oplossingen in de geteisterde Westhoek

De Tijd


Patrick Willems
Patrick Willems

H-Index: 20

Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

of Bruno Stuyts


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Making water models more inclusive and interdisciplinary to underpin sustainable development

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


How PostgreSQL and QField Cloud can streamline data collection and improve data security: experience from a collaborative, interdisciplinary water reuse project in Flanders …

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Impact of inorganic and organic pollutants from a Belgian wastewater treatment plant on adjacent surface and groundwaters

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Yue Gao
Yue Gao

H-Index: 1

Development and Application of a Methodology for the Identification of Potential Groundwater Recharge Zones: A Case Study in the Virvini Micro-Basin, Tiraque, Bolivia



Andres Gonzales Amaya
Andres Gonzales Amaya

H-Index: 5

Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Estimation of soil radioactivity-depth profiles using Bayesian inversion of borehole gamma spectrometry data

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

2D inversion of in situ gamma-ray spectrometric measurements of 137Cs for site characterization

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Drought propagation in the hydrological cycle in a semiarid region: a case study in the Bilate catchment, Ethiopia

Hydrogeology Journal


Buruk Kitachew Wossenyeleh
Buruk Kitachew Wossenyeleh

H-Index: 1

Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Soil radioactivity-depth profiles from regularized inversion of borehole gamma spectrometry data

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Sustainable Production and Consumption


Determination of the natural potential groundwater recharge in the Valle Alto basin, Bolivia, through a soil water balance

Hydrogeology Journal


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Public acceptance of recycled water: A survey of social attitudes toward the consumption of crops grown with treated wastewater

Sustainable Production and Consumption


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Exploring river–aquifer interactions and hydrological system response using baseflow separation, impulse response modeling, and time series analysis in three temperate lowland …

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


Min Lu
Min Lu

H-Index: 3

Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

Weerbaar Waterland. Ons voorbereiden op wat al gebeurt. Advies van het expertenpanel hoogwaterbeveiliging aan de Vlaamse Regering.


Minimum detectable activity concentration of radio-cesium by a LaBr3 (Ce) detector for in situ measurements on the ground-surface and in boreholes

Applied Radiation and Isotopes


Marijke Huysmans
Marijke Huysmans

H-Index: 16

See List of Professors in Marijke Huysmans University(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)