Marie Claude Ouimet

About Marie Claude Ouimet

Marie Claude Ouimet, With an exceptional h-index of 35 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université de Sherbrooke,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A neuroergonomics approach to driver’s cooperation with Lane Departure Warning Systems

Visual and steering behaviours during lane departures: a longitudinal study of interactions between lane departure warning system, driving task and driving experience

Driver’s gaze behaviour before, during and after take-over manoeuvres: Influence of agentivity associated with different automation solutions

A randomized controlled pilot trial of brief online mindfulness training in young drivers

Towards a comprehensive COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions’ index for the province of Quebec.

How does background music affect drivers’ behaviours, emotions and mood behind the wheel?

Comparison of Experienced and Novice Drivers’ Visual and Driving Behaviors during Warned or Unwarned Near–Forward Collisions

Did the cannabis recreational use law affect traffic crash outcomes in Toronto? Building evidence for the adequate number of authorised cannabis stores' thresholds

Marie Claude Ouimet Information






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Top articles of Marie Claude Ouimet

A neuroergonomics approach to driver’s cooperation with Lane Departure Warning Systems

Behavioural brain research


Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

Jordan Navarro
Jordan Navarro

H-Index: 19

Visual and steering behaviours during lane departures: a longitudinal study of interactions between lane departure warning system, driving task and driving experience



Jordan Navarro
Jordan Navarro

H-Index: 19

Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

Driver’s gaze behaviour before, during and after take-over manoeuvres: Influence of agentivity associated with different automation solutions

Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour


A randomized controlled pilot trial of brief online mindfulness training in young drivers

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

Towards a comprehensive COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions’ index for the province of Quebec.


Vahid Najafi Moghaddam Gilani
Vahid Najafi Moghaddam Gilani

H-Index: 9

Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

How does background music affect drivers’ behaviours, emotions and mood behind the wheel?

Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour


Comparison of Experienced and Novice Drivers’ Visual and Driving Behaviors during Warned or Unwarned Near–Forward Collisions



Jordan Navarro
Jordan Navarro

H-Index: 19

Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

Did the cannabis recreational use law affect traffic crash outcomes in Toronto? Building evidence for the adequate number of authorised cannabis stores' thresholds

Drug and alcohol review


Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

Childhood abuse/neglect and temporal patterns in late-life anxiety

Aging & Mental Health


Negative mood mind wandering and unsafe driving in young male drivers

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

A new alcohol-related traffic law, a further reduction in traffic fatalities? Analyzing the case of Turkey

Journal of safety research


Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

Recidivism prevention for impaired driving: Longitudinal 5-year outcomes from Quebec's severity-based intervention assignment program

Journal of substance abuse treatment


Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

Estimate of the magnitude of risky and protective behaviors associated with road traffic injuries in capitals participating in the Life in Traffic Project of Brazil

PLoS one


Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

Menace du stéréotype de conduite automobile. Rapport final sur convention DSR


Tanguy Leroy
Tanguy Leroy

H-Index: 12

Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

Les Enjeux de sécurité chez les piétons et les cyclistes. Éditorial

RTS. Recherche, transports, sécurité


Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

The effects of alcohol dose, exposure to an in-vehicle alcohol feedback device, and subjective responses to alcohol on the decision to drink-drive in young drivers

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Marie Claude Ouimet
Marie Claude Ouimet

H-Index: 25

Blunted cortisol reactivity and risky driving in young offenders–a pilot study

International journal of adolescent medicine and health


État de la recherche sur les propositions du projet de loi no 165 sur les jeunes conducteurs et passagers, la distraction, la conduite avec les capacités affaiblies, les …


Cortisol stress response predicts 9-year risky driving convictions in male first-time driving-while-impaired offenders



Temporal patterns of anxiety disorders and cortisol activity in older adults

Journal of Affective Disorders


See List of Professors in Marie Claude Ouimet University(Université de Sherbrooke)