Maria Chrysochoou

Maria Chrysochoou

University of Connecticut

H-index: 30

North America-United States

About Maria Chrysochoou

Maria Chrysochoou, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Connecticut, specializes in the field of geoenvironmental engineering, metal fate and transport, environmental geochemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Goethite and Hematite Nucleation and Growth from Ferrihydrite: Effects of Oxyanion Surface Complexes

Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling of the Lime–Kaolinite System

Effects of Oxyanion Surface Loading on the Rate and Pathway of Ferrihydrite Transformation

Applied Environmental Teaching using Caring Pedagogy is Essential in Educational Disruptions

Peer Observation Practice to Enhance Inclusive Teaching: An Exploratory Approach to Evaluate Faculty Perceptions

Board 415: Transforming Engineering Education for Neurodiversity: Epistemic Communities as a Model for Change

Community-University Relationships in Environmental Engineering Service-Learning Courses: Social Network Vectors and Modalities of Communication

Engineering instructors’ constructions of the universality or individuality of neurodiversity

Maria Chrysochoou Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Maria Chrysochoou Skills & Research Interests

geoenvironmental engineering

metal fate and transport

environmental geochemistry

Top articles of Maria Chrysochoou

Goethite and Hematite Nucleation and Growth from Ferrihydrite: Effects of Oxyanion Surface Complexes

Environmental Science & Technology


Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling of the Lime–Kaolinite System

ACS Earth and Space Chemistry


Tasneem Ahmadullah
Tasneem Ahmadullah

H-Index: 0

Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Effects of Oxyanion Surface Loading on the Rate and Pathway of Ferrihydrite Transformation

ACS Earth and Space Chemistry


Alireza Namayandeh
Alireza Namayandeh

H-Index: 5

Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Applied Environmental Teaching using Caring Pedagogy is Essential in Educational Disruptions

Research Issues in Contemporary Education


Todd Campbell
Todd Campbell

H-Index: 20

Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Peer Observation Practice to Enhance Inclusive Teaching: An Exploratory Approach to Evaluate Faculty Perceptions


Mousumi Roy
Mousumi Roy

H-Index: 10

Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Board 415: Transforming Engineering Education for Neurodiversity: Epistemic Communities as a Model for Change


Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Todd Campbell
Todd Campbell

H-Index: 20

Community-University Relationships in Environmental Engineering Service-Learning Courses: Social Network Vectors and Modalities of Communication


Todd Campbell
Todd Campbell

H-Index: 20

Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Engineering instructors’ constructions of the universality or individuality of neurodiversity


Reframing neurodiversity in engineering education


Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Oxyanion surface complexes control the kinetics and pathway of ferrihydrite transformation to goethite and hematite

Environmental Science & Technology


Alireza Namayandeh
Alireza Namayandeh

H-Index: 5

Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

The development of high leverage practices in environmental sustainability-focused service learning courses: applications for higher education

Environmental Education Research


Todd Campbell
Todd Campbell

H-Index: 20

Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

A critical review for real-time continuous soil monitoring: Advantages, challenges, and perspectives


Redesigning Soil Mechanics as an Inclusive Course


Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Interfacial Properties of Al-Ferrihydrites: Surface Complexation Modeling as a Probe of Surface Structure

ACS Earth and Space Chemistry


Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Multiple heavy metal immobilization and strength improvement of contaminated soil using bio-mediated calcite precipitation technique

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Neelima Satyam
Neelima Satyam

H-Index: 13

Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Improving the Learning Experience of Neurodiverse Students in a Fluid Mechanics Course During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Strength development and reaction kinetics in lime-treated clays


Tasneem Ahmadullah
Tasneem Ahmadullah

H-Index: 0

Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

E-Corps’ Implementation of Environmental Sustainability-Focused Service-Learning: Conditions Supporting the Establishment of an Epistemic Community

Journal of STEM Outreach


Todd Campbell
Todd Campbell

H-Index: 20

Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Redesigning engineering education for neurodiversity: New standards for inclusive courses


Maria Chrysochoou
Maria Chrysochoou

H-Index: 22

Shinae Jang
Shinae Jang

H-Index: 10

The Environment Corps: combining classroom instruction, service learning, and extension outreach to create a new model of community engaged scholarship at the University of …

Journal of higher education outreach and engagement


See List of Professors in Maria Chrysochoou University(University of Connecticut)