Marc Ziegele

About Marc Ziegele

Marc Ziegele, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 29 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, specializes in the field of computer-mediated communication, user comments, social network sites, user-generated content, deliberation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

SQBC: Active Learning using LLM-Generated Synthetic Data for Stance Detection in Online Political Discussions

AQuA--Combining Experts' and Non-Experts' Views To Assess Deliberation Quality in Online Discussions Using LLMs

The double-edged sword of online deliberation: How evidence-based user comments both decrease and increase discussion participation intentions on social media

Technology acceptance and transparency demands for toxic language classification–interviews with moderators of public online discussion fora

Hate speech, incivility and related concepts of disrespectful language on the Internet: A scoping review


How algorithmically curated online environments influence users’ political polarization: Results from two experiments with panel data

Vom Netz genommen. Die Auswirkungen von Deplatforming auf die Online-Kommunikation der extremen Rechten auf Telegram am Beispiel der Identitären Bewegung

Marc Ziegele Information



Assistant Professor Department of Social Sciences



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Marc Ziegele Skills & Research Interests

computer-mediated communication

user comments

social network sites

user-generated content


Top articles of Marc Ziegele

SQBC: Active Learning using LLM-Generated Synthetic Data for Stance Detection in Online Political Discussions

arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.08078


AQuA--Combining Experts' and Non-Experts' Views To Assess Deliberation Quality in Online Discussions Using LLMs

arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.02761


The double-edged sword of online deliberation: How evidence-based user comments both decrease and increase discussion participation intentions on social media

new media & society


Philipp Müller
Philipp Müller

H-Index: 6

Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Technology acceptance and transparency demands for toxic language classification–interviews with moderators of public online discussion fora

Human–Computer Interaction


Anke Stoll
Anke Stoll

H-Index: 3

Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19



Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

How algorithmically curated online environments influence users’ political polarization: Results from two experiments with panel data

Computers in Human Behavior Reports


Vom Netz genommen. Die Auswirkungen von Deplatforming auf die Online-Kommunikation der extremen Rechten auf Telegram am Beispiel der Identitären Bewegung

M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft


Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Verschwörungserzählungen in den Massenmedien und ihre Wirkung auf den Verschwörungsglauben im Publikum

Die Psychologie der Verschwörungstheorien: Von dunklen Mächten sonderbar belogen...


Christian Schemer
Christian Schemer

H-Index: 24

Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Medienvertrauen im internationalen Vergleich–Befunde aus Deutschland, Spanien, Schweden und den USA

UFITA Archiv für Medienrecht und Medienwissenschaft


Christian Schemer
Christian Schemer

H-Index: 24

Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Gender-related differences in online comment sections: Findings from a large-scale content analysis of commenting behavior

Social Science Computer Review


Anke Stoll
Anke Stoll

H-Index: 3

Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Developing an incivility dictionary for German online discussions–a semi-automated approach combining human and artificial knowledge

Communication Methods and Measures


Anke Stoll
Anke Stoll

H-Index: 3

Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Political information use and its relationship to beliefs in conspiracy theories among the German public

Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly


1.1 I like Deliberation? Zusammenhänge zwischen der deliberativen Qualität von Nutzerbeiträgen und ihrer Bewertung mittels Likes und Dislikes durch andere Nutzer: innen


Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Deprived, radical, alternatively informed: factors associated with people’s belief in Covid-19 related conspiracy theories and their vaccination intentions in Germany

European Journal of Health Communication


“Alexa, Siri, Google, what do you know about corona?” A quantitative survey of voice assistants and content analysis of their answers on questions about the COVID-19 pandemic

SCM Studies in Communication and Media


Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Ulrich Rosar
Ulrich Rosar

H-Index: 11

How to get on top–The effect of rationality and incivility of user comments on their visibility in political online discussions on Facebook

Communication research reports


Pablo Jost
Pablo Jost

H-Index: 8

Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Incivility as a violation of communication norms—A typology based on normative expectations toward political communication

Communication Theory


Gerhard Vowe
Gerhard Vowe

H-Index: 16

Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Communication, cohesion, and corona: The impact of people’s use of different information sources on their sense of societal cohesion in times of crises

Journalism Studies


Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Oliver Quiring
Oliver Quiring

H-Index: 23

Effects of a high-person-centered response to commenters who disagree on readers’ positive attitudes toward a news outlet’s Facebook page

Digital Journalism


Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele

H-Index: 19

Pablo Jost
Pablo Jost

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Marc Ziegele University(Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)

