Marc Jungblut

About Marc Jungblut

Marc Jungblut, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

How shared ties and journalistic cultures shape global news coverage of disruptive media events: the case of the 9/11 terror attacks

It’s Good for Our Reputation (?!)–the Impact of Socio-Political CEO Communication on Corporate Reputation

Media in mental health: an approach to conceptualize the media’s role in the help-seeking of people suffering from mental health issues

Influence of the pandemic lockdown on Fridays for Future’s hashtag activism

How open is communication science? Open-science principles in the field

Visual gender stereotyping in campaign communication: evidence on female and male candidate imagery in 28 countries

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in modern information environments: content, consumers, and consequences of digital conflict communication

Becoming European Through Football Media? Representations of Europe in German Football News Coverage

Marc Jungblut Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Marc Jungblut

How shared ties and journalistic cultures shape global news coverage of disruptive media events: the case of the 9/11 terror attacks

Journal of Communication


It’s Good for Our Reputation (?!)–the Impact of Socio-Political CEO Communication on Corporate Reputation

International Journal of Strategic Communication


Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Media in mental health: an approach to conceptualize the media’s role in the help-seeking of people suffering from mental health issues

Annals of the International Communication Association


Antonia Markiewitz
Antonia Markiewitz

H-Index: 3

Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Influence of the pandemic lockdown on Fridays for Future’s hashtag activism

New Media & Society


Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

How open is communication science? Open-science principles in the field

Annals of the International Communication Association


Mario Haim
Mario Haim

H-Index: 10

Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Visual gender stereotyping in campaign communication: evidence on female and male candidate imagery in 28 countries

Communication Research


Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Mario Haim
Mario Haim

H-Index: 10

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in modern information environments: content, consumers, and consequences of digital conflict communication

Frontiers in Political Science


Becoming European Through Football Media? Representations of Europe in German Football News Coverage

International Journal of Sport Communication


Arne Niemann
Arne Niemann

H-Index: 22

Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Challenging the Global Cultural Conflict Narrative: An Automated Content Analysis on How Perpetrator Identity Shapes Worldwide News Coverage of Islamist and Right-Wing Terror …

The International Journal of Press/Politics


Röttger, Ulrike/Donges, Patrick/Zerfaß, Ansgar (Hrsg.): Handbuch Public Affairs. Politische Kommunikation für Unternehmen und Organisationen. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler 2021 …


Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Do organizational differences matter for the use of social media by public organizations? A computational analysis of the way the German police use Twitter for external …

Public Administration


Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Jens Jungblut
Jens Jungblut

H-Index: 12

When brands (don’t) take my stance: the ambiguous effectiveness of political brand communication

Communication Research


Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Marius Johnen
Marius Johnen

H-Index: 9

Spreading information or engaging the public? The German police’s communication on Twitter

Public Management Review


Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Jens Jungblut
Jens Jungblut

H-Index: 12

Sportarten im Aufstiegskampf? Eine Analyse der Vielfältigkeit und der Struktur der sportjournalistischen Berichterstattung der Tagesschau

M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft


Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Social media use of the police in crisis situations: A mixed-method study on communication practices of the German police

new media & society


Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Anna Sophie Kümpel
Anna Sophie Kümpel

H-Index: 13

Content analysis in the research field of war coverage


Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Multiperspectival normative assessment: The case of mediated reactions to terrorism

Communication Theory


Linking event archives to news: a computational method for analyzing the gatekeeping process

Communication Methods and Measures


Epistemic evidence in strategic-persuasive communication: On the effects of investing in the truthfulness of NGOs’ strategic crisis and conflict communications

International Journal of Communication


Romy Fröhlich
Romy Fröhlich

H-Index: 13

Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

Politicians’ self-depiction and their news portrayal: Evidence from 28 countries using visual computational analysis

Political Communication


Mario Haim
Mario Haim

H-Index: 10

Marc Jungblut
Marc Jungblut

H-Index: 6

See List of Professors in Marc Jungblut University(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

