Manas Ranjan Tripathy

About Manas Ranjan Tripathy

Manas Ranjan Tripathy, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, specializes in the field of Statistical Inference, Censored Samples, Computational Statistics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Testing powers of ratio of variances of two normal populations with a common mean

Testing on the quantiles of a single normal population in the presence of several normal populations with a common variance.

Interval estimation for quantiles of several normal populations with a common standard deviation

Point and interval estimation of quantiles of several exponential populations with a common location under progressive censoring scheme.

Estimating powers of the scale parameters under order restriction for two shifted exponential populations with a common location

Point estimation and related classification problems for several Lindley populations with application using COVID-19 data

Estimation and classification using progressive type-II censored samples from two exponential populations with a common location.

Testing equality of quantiles for several logistic populations with some real life applications

Manas Ranjan Tripathy Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Manas Ranjan Tripathy Skills & Research Interests

Statistical Inference

Censored Samples

Computational Statistics

Top articles of Manas Ranjan Tripathy

Testing powers of ratio of variances of two normal populations with a common mean

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Testing on the quantiles of a single normal population in the presence of several normal populations with a common variance.

American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Nabendu Pal
Nabendu Pal

H-Index: 12

Interval estimation for quantiles of several normal populations with a common standard deviation


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Point and interval estimation of quantiles of several exponential populations with a common location under progressive censoring scheme.

Computational Statistics


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Estimating powers of the scale parameters under order restriction for two shifted exponential populations with a common location

Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Point estimation and related classification problems for several Lindley populations with application using COVID-19 data

Journal of Applied Statistics


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Somesh Kumar
Somesh Kumar

H-Index: 9

Estimation and classification using progressive type-II censored samples from two exponential populations with a common location.

Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Testing equality of quantiles for several logistic populations with some real life applications

Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Estimating reciprocals of scale parameters of two exponential populations with common location and ordered scales using censored samples

Statistics - A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Point and interval estimation of powers of scale parameters for two normal populations with a common mean

Statistical Papers


Bayesian estimation and classification for two logistic populations with a common location.

Computational Statistics


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Somesh Kumar
Somesh Kumar

H-Index: 9

Estimating positive powers of the scale parameters under order restriction for two normal populations with a common mean



Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Testing quantiles of two normal populations with common mean and order restricted variances


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Estimation and classification using samples from two logistic populations with common scale parameter


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Estimating parameters from the generalized inverse Lindley distribution under hybrid censoring scheme

Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Debasis Kundu
Debasis Kundu

H-Index: 48

Estimating parameters of the inverse Gompertz distribution under unified hybrid censoring scheme

Palestine Journal of Mathematics


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

Alternative estimation of the common mean of two normal populations with order restricted variances

REVSTAT-Statistical Journal


PM2.5 estimation using multiple linear regression approach over industrial and non industrial stations of India

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing


Alternative estimation of common mean of two normal populations with order restricted variances

REVSTAT- Statistical Journal


Improved estimation of quantiles of two normal populations with common mean and ordered variances

Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods


Manas Ranjan Tripathy
Manas Ranjan Tripathy

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Manas Ranjan Tripathy University(National Institute of Technology, Rourkela)